May 5, 2024

Analia Martinez's motion to remand continued for the nth time, Kathleen Bryson to withdraw as counsel


How many hearings do we need to continue on the motion to remand this stalking and criminal threats suspect? She has been arrested multiple times, the DA filed a lengthy declaration, there is a protective order filed against Analia Martinez and the protected party is a local attorney? She was held to answer on charges after the preliminary hearing. 

At least Retired Judge Christopher Wilson allowed one of the alleged victims to read a statement in court on 5/1 and instructed Ms. Kathleen Bryson to file a written motion to withdraw as counsel on the second case. Retired Judge Joyce Hinrichs could have done all this several hearings ago instead of just continuing the hearing on motion to remand multiple times because she couldn't be bothered and the court backlog continues to grow year after year.

As I have said before, a male defendant or any other female defendant would have been remanded by now. She maybe behaving now with the possibility of being put in custody before her trial. What guarantee is there that this behavior will not repeat? It is clear from her obsessive and repeated behavior towards the alleged victims and a local attorney and anyone she feels is "persecuting" her that unless there are consequences like time in custody, she does not get she is the problem. If you didn't read my previous and initial coverage; you should. Not once has Analia expressed remorse or taken responsibility for her actions. Not that I would believe her. Apologies are meaningless if not accompanued by real remorse and actions. The biggest victim is the innocent child while the criminal and family law cases drag on the system and the impact felt for years to come.

 Let's see what happens on 5/9. At least Judge Wilson reads the files.

Martinez's two cases were scheduled before Judge Hinrichs this morning. Why does Humboldt Superior Court continue to waste everyone's morning when the motion to remand was a special set before Judge Wilson? This isn't the only instance. In CR2301505, which is trailing the other case, Judge Hinrichs granted Ms. Kathleen Bryson's motion withdraw as counsel. The Public Defender will also represent Martinez on this case. In CR2303506, the hearing was sent to Courtroom 6 and at 1:30, Judge Wilson heard testimony from Alexander Wycoff, then read family law documents. Trial confirmation in that case is scheduled for 8/1; jury trial for 8/19.

8/1: Defense wants a continuance for the jury trial. Judge Kaleb Cockrum told Deputy Public Defender Emery Welton to file a written motion. Defense wants to hire an expert. Deputy DA Carolyn Schaffer is the prosecutor for this case. Trial confirmation continued to 8/6.

8/6: Defense motion to continue granted by Judge Kelly Neel; no objection by the People. Public Defender Luke Brownfield appeared for Deputy Public Defender Emery Welton. 8/19 date vacated.
Trial confirmation rescheduled for 10/30; jury trial for 11/12. Martinez has another 2023 case which is trailing.

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