May 22, 2024

I told you Kreis was resigning, making a deal with the CJP and practicing law, all confirmed by his own court filing


Humboldt Superior Court, Governor Newsom's Judicial appointment staff, the Commission on Judicial Proceedings have all been contacted previously and I have mentioned that in previous coverage. They can release whatever they want in their own time. 

Kreis has misrepresented before and made claims. So, I will wait for the CJP to confirm. The lawyer Kreis hired is the same lawyer who represented former Shasta Superior Court Judge Tony Mallery who was removed  from the bench. Why there are no notices of special masters and hearing dates set and Kreis has previously made claims about having no income as of 5/27/24 in his divorce case that contradict wanting to practice law and a client who claims Kreis is his lawyer? He claimed he wasn't served about the CJP proceedings until a certain date and the POS proved that was incorrect.

After this post was published, I received this comment from someone in the legal community with knowledge about CJP.

"I am still skeptical as we know Kreis is a liar. Nothing on their site indicating appointments of special masters or a scheduled hearing date. If you look at the Mallery case they actually publish notices on who they are and what the dates are. I suspect his lawyer is trying to do that but whether the CJP agrees is another story. The bar is still free and clear to go after him but it is a better stronger case if the Comm'n makes a decision. They have many times gone after Judges who are no longer Judges. His voluntary resignation is probably designed to convince them to drop their case but that is their decision. "

I told you ousted Gregory Kreis was resigning weeks ago, mentioned a deal was possibly in place with the CJP that he was going to practice law and just days ago, I mentioned he had a client. I had heard he had applied to have his law license reinstated. 

Guess the proposed move is off since Kreis and fiancee Tanya Ellis are remodeling the house they live in together. They plan to get married on  June 10 and honeymoon in Cancun. Their marriage means Kreis can mooch off the taxpayers for medical insurance and other benefits a Humboldt Superior Court employee gets. Humboldt Superior Court CEO Meara Hattan also sold Ellis and Kreis their houses according to sources in the know.

Despite Kreis' spin in the declaration, with national coverage on his many scandals finding employment elsewhere may have been challenging. I really don't care. He has caused many hardship, losing their livelihood, homes, children and at $260,000 plus a year, maybe he should have budgeted than carousing all over Europe with Ellis and other vacations. She still has her $100,000 job with the local court. Did he let men in his court make excuses for not paying child and spousal support?  

Kreis claims he does not read my blog yet the reference to Brenda Elvine hugging Ms. April Van Dyke is photos which were only on my blog.

This is a small county where everyone knows each other.  Instead of trying to figure out who my sources are or spreading gossip, current and former court employees, staff and anyone else should look at their conflicts of interests, stop and realize that in a small County, people pay attention what goes on in and outside the Courthouse. I don't sit behind a desk, I put in work, research and while I receive tips like any media source, assuming where I get information is the work of idle minds and bodies. I don't sit behind a desk "reporting" on emails and cut and paste and press releases.

I do not have time to link even some of my posts on Gregory Kreis with 25 cases to check before a full day in court. You can read the four posts I have provided screenshots in this post. Coverage of Kreis for years has been linked several times and are accessible via the search feature on this blog. Regular readers already know all the background.

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