May 15, 2024

An email was sent to HCSO by Sam Williams and you will want to read what he has to say about HCSO and the DA

In my coverage of former HCSO Lt. Sam Williams, I made a reference about the political nature of this case and a reference to DA Investigator Steve Dunn. I have heard about Dunn's bias from more than one source. I wrote my observations about the court case before I saw this email yesterday and just my own knowledge of politics, law enforcement and the court system for decades.

This is the text of an email Sam Williams sent out to HCSO. 

After more than two decades, the time has come for me to part ways with the profession. It is a bitter sweet time, one I hoped would’ve come a little later and under different circumstances, but one I wholeheartedly welcome. I wanted to take the opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to so many of you. I have been tremendously blessed to have had the honor of sharing some of the most rewarding times of my life with you. You have taught me so much, and I only hope to have returned a fraction of the same. The list of names would be too many to write out, so I won’t, but you know who you are. There are a few of you that I have an especially close bond with, and I truly love you. Your friendship has been tested and remained. Thank you.

For those who care to read on, I feel compelled to share a few things that I have learned over my time at the Sheriff’s Office. You can take it for whatever it’s worth, but I wouldn’t feel right if I didn’t share the valuable lessons learned. First of all, no one will ever love you and care for you like your true friends and family. Not the profession, not the agency, not the Sheriff (I have served four), not the Admin, not your sergeant, not your beat partner, not anyone. If you choose to put the profession first, you will likely damage or lose altogether those friend and family relationships along the way, and even more dangerous, yourself. No matter what you achieve, accomplish, or promote to in the agency, it will all fade away and disappear the moment you do. Time is a precious commodity, you should spend it very carefully. Remember, money cannot buy what is not for sale, love, respect, loyalty, integrity, and friendship.  The cold hard reality is that it doesn’t exist in the profession, so don’t look for it there. You are simply a cog on the gears of county government. You will be put to use, and more use if you allow, and if or when you break off, you will be replaced, and no one will remember your name five years after you’re gone.  Even the Sheriffs are forgotten when they leave. There is no legacy, you are not going to change the world, and you will not be a legend. I’m not sharing this to discourage you, it is a very noble and rewarding profession. I am simply offering wisdom regarding things I have learned in it. Keep your priorities right, spend your time wisely, regardless of what may be asked of you professionally. A wise man learns from the mistakes of others, so he doesn’t have to learn from his own.

Second, there are snakes all around you, so step carefully. The worst part is, they aren’t just out in the streets, they slither around in the offices at your workplace. If you have been at the agency for longer than six months, you know this. The current Sheriff deals with a fractured administration, because captain Quenell is one of these snakes. He may be small in size and have little fangs, but he is green with envy and armed with the venom of jealousy. You see, since before Quenell was even old enough to be a deputy, he wanted to be the sheriff. In fact, for over twenty years he has been telling everyone who would listen that he will be sheriff one day. Fortunately for all of us, his plan was thwarted by Sheriff Downey going outside the agency to hire his new Undersheriff. This was a devastating blow to many at the time, but ultimately it was the start of a long nail into the coffin lid of Quenell’s career. Quenell and Sheriff Honsal have a history, and as such, Sheriff Honsal had already identified Quenell’s species by his flickering tongue and slithery skin. So, when Sheriff Honsal took the reins as the Sheriff and promoted a sergeant straight to undersheriff, right over the top of Quenell, Quenell’s ego was smashed! And while he might be more of a ‘Yoda’ man in stature, he had a ‘Goliath’ sized ego. Quenell saw the promotion of Undersheriff Braud as a giant sledgehammer hitting the head of that long nail in his career coffin. Even after Sheriff Honsal tried to extend the olive branch to Quenell with a promotion to captain, Quenell was overwhelmed by disdain and indignation. In fact, he told me one day that he saw the promotion to captain as a ‘conciliation prize.’ Like it was beneath him. Still, he took the promotion. Since then, he and his minions (you know who they are/were) have set out to undermine the Sheriff at every opportunity. The Undersheriff knows all to well the coward and snake that is Quenell. There is history with Quenell and Undersheriff Braud as well. Quenell hijacks meetings, sabotage plans and ideas, create problems only to provide no solutions, and he constantly opposes the undersheriff no matter what. Quenell has even provided anonymous fodder to the media, like the ‘Sheriffpalooza’ article, in attempts to paint the Sheriff in a bad light, and prevent him from successes. Unfortunately, it is each of you who pays the price for all this. I apologize for not having the courage to address this better while there, but politics are very alive and well. Be very careful who you trust, and who you give your loyalties to. Remember, all are in danger when the one who cannot pilot the ship becomes determined to sink it.

Third, this profession will rob you of more as a human being than it could ever pay you in money. The things that linger in your mind, the sights, the images, the sounds, the odors, the feelings, the fears, they can never be returned for a refund. Those are yours to keep for the rest of your life. It’s important to find healthy outlets, faith, hobbies, and friends outside of the job if you are to deal with those things effectively. Please, if you are having any issues with this kind of thing, intrusive thoughts, rumination, depression, anxiety, sleep disruption, or substance abuse, demand help with it. Do NOT think you are weak. You are NOT. That is just the professional stigma created to keep the machine running without disruption. Please, demand help and reprieve if you need it.

Some final advice, respect your dispatchers, they are actually better cops than some who wear a badge and gun and they can be a wealth of assistance, do your best not to get your name on the Peace Officer memorial wall, avoid having case law named after you, and do not use the drive thru in a marked unit. Seriously though, please, always do what you know is right. Don’t deviate. Be fair. Be consistent. Be honest. Always treat others the way you would expect to be treated if you were in their position.

I wish you all the best and brightest futures.

Specifically, to Quenell, I will simply say: I know what you did that morning, I know what you, Steve Dunn, and DA Myers orchestrated in the days and months after. I know the dishonesty, and the absolute moral and ethical bankruptcy you all showed in secret. The depths to which each of you would sink in order to satisfy your need for revenge and destruction was sickening to watch. You three, along with the DA, actually made me embarrassed to have given 23 years of my life to the profession. I know what your intentions were and are. While it was quick thinking, cunning and calculated in those moments, the truth of your actions and character will keep you from ever having the support of the troops or the community, so you may have achieved your goal of further harming the office, the Undersheriff, and the Sheriff, but you will not ever be Sheriff. In the end, what you intended for evil will be made good. Your tactics will never prevail because unlike you, the Sheriff and Undersheriff are genuinely good, and honest men, and you are not. Most people can see it.

Citizen Sam Williams

I reached out to Sam Williams briefly to see if the text HCSO received is what he actually sent. The text from his original email is included for readers to compare. I was only able to get another short response from him today. 

"I wrote an email saying farewell to the troops at the Sheriffs office, but it was completely nuked by IT for some reason.  I just felt it was a way of silencing me, and I am rather upset about it."

11:02 a.m. I just discovered another email in my spam folder just now.

"Thought you might be interested to know that former Lt. Sam Williams sent a department wide resignation email that called out many alleged improprieties at the sheriff’s department. Honsal made I.T. scrub the email from the county system."

Since more than one person is making the same claim, I reached out to Sheriff William Honsal late morning. 

There is a bigger story here and that is not going to be updated today or in the next few days because it will require work and time. I have been doing this blog for over 10 years and I have called out HCSO, the DAs office, the local insiders, the other local media and as each year passes, more is revealed, more people are exposed and the cost has been that over 10 years, the list of people who once thought differently about me get mad because I allowed the truth to come out. I don't know Sam Williams as I do others in local law enforcement. I have nothing to gain since he isn't even in Humboldt anymore. I follow the news, the truth and before this email, I did my own independent work on this case. Sam Williams was not the person to make me initially aware of this email.

The rest of the local media ignored Sam Williams' court case so I doubt they will pursue the bigger story and if they do, I doubt they have the guts to to present anything other than a spin on what some at HCSO, the DA's office or the County want. Certain other media instead provide anonymous forums and comment sections where the same anon insiders attack any attempt to inform the public and can spread misinformation with zero consequences.

I will be following up on more but that will take time and I am sure like former HCSO employee Matt Tomlin and other news only I have covered, the powers to be at 825 5th street will thwart my every move to verify information.

There are so many decent law enforcement and others who have left Humboldt and working for the DA, HCSO, County and local court because of the political bs and petty cliques. 825 5th Street destroys lives.  This post has not even been up for minutes and I am getting feedback with support for Sam Williams. These are private communications and I received many during the court case from people I have known for 20 years.

Email text sent to be by Sam Williams:

After more than two decades, the time has come for me to part ways with the profession. It is a bitter sweet time, one I hoped would’ve come a little later and under different circumstances, but one I wholeheartedly welcome. I wanted to take the opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to so many of you. I have been tremendously blessed to have had the honor of sharing some of the most rewarding times of my life with you. You have taught me so much, and I only hope to have returned a fraction of the same. The list of names would be too many to write out, so I won’t, but you know who you are. There are a few of you that I have an especially close bond with, and I truly love you. Your friendship has been tested and remained. Thank you.

For those who care to read on, I feel compelled to share a few things that I have learned over my time at the Sheriff’s Office. You can take it for whatever it’s worth, but I wouldn’t feel right if I didn’t share the valuable lessons learned. First of all, no one will ever love you and care for you like your true friends and family. Not the profession, not the agency, not the Sheriff (I have served four), not the Admin, not your sergeant, not your beat partner, not anyone. If you choose to put the profession first, you will likely damage or lose altogether those friend and family relationships along the way, and even more dangerous, yourself. No matter what you achieve, accomplish, or promote to in the agency, it will all fade away and disappear the moment you do. Time is a precious commodity, you should spend it very carefully. Remember, money cannot buy what is not for sale, love, respect, loyalty, integrity, and friendship.  The cold hard reality is that it doesn’t exist in the profession, so don’t look for it there. You are simply a cog on the gears of county government. You will be put to use, and more use if you allow, and if or when you break off, you will be replaced, and no one will remember your name five years after you’re gone.  Even the Sheriffs are forgotten when they leave. There is no legacy, you are not going to change the world, and you will not be a legend. I’m not sharing this to discourage you, it is a very noble and rewarding profession. I am simply offering wisdom regarding things I have learned in it. Keep your priorities right, spend your time wisely, regardless of what may be asked of you professionally. A wise man learns from the mistakes of others, so he doesn’t have to learn from his own.

Second, there are snakes all around you, so step carefully. The worst part is, they aren’t just out in the streets, they slither around in the offices at your workplace. If you have been at the agency for longer than six months, you know this. The current Sheriff deals with a fractured administration, because captain Quenell is one of these snakes. He may be small in size and have little fangs, but he is green with envy and armed with the venom of jealousy. You see, since before Quenell was even old enough to be a deputy, he wanted to be the sheriff. In fact, for over twenty years he has been telling everyone who would listen that he will be sheriff one day. Fortunately for all of us, his plan was thwarted by Sheriff Downey going outside the agency to hire his new Undersheriff. This was a devastating blow to many at the time, but ultimately it was the start of a long nail into the coffin lid of Quenell’s career. Quenell and Sheriff Honsal have a history, and as such, Sheriff Honsal had already identified Quenell’s species by his flickering tongue and slithery skin. So, when Sheriff Honsal took the reins as the Sheriff and promoted a sergeant straight to undersheriff, right over the top of Quenell, Quenell’s ego was smashed! And while he might be more of a ‘Yoda’ man in stature, he had a ‘Goliath’ sized ego. Quenell saw the promotion of Undersheriff Braud as a giant sledgehammer hitting the head of that long nail in his career coffin. Even after Sheriff Honsal tried to extend the olive branch to Quenell with a promotion to captain, Quenell was overwhelmed by disdain and indignation. In fact, he told me one day that he saw the promotion to captain as a ‘conciliation prize.’ Like it was beneath him. Still, he took the promotion. Since then, he and his minions (you know who they are/were) have set out to undermine the Sheriff at every opportunity. The Undersheriff knows all to well the coward and snake that is Quenell. There is history with Quenell and Undersheriff Braud as well. Quenell hijacks meetings, sabotage plans and ideas, create problems only to provide no solutions, and he constantly opposes the undersheriff no matter what. Quenell has even provided anonymous fodder to the media, like the ‘Sheriffpalooza’ article, in attempts to paint the Sheriff in a bad light, and prevent him from successes. Unfortunately, it is each of you who pays the price for all this. I apologize for not having the courage to address this better while there, but politics are very alive and well. Be very careful who you trust, and who you give your loyalties to. Remember, all are in danger when the one who cannot pilot the ship becomes determined to sink it.

Third, this profession will rob you of more as a human being than it could ever pay you in money. The things that linger in your mind, the sights, the images, the sounds, the odors, the feelings, the fears, they can never be returned for a refund. Those are yours to keep for the rest of your life. It’s important to find healthy outlets, faith, hobbies, and friends outside of the job if you are to deal with those things effectively. Please, if you are having any issues with this kind of thing, intrusive thoughts, rumination, depression, anxiety, sleep disruption, or substance abuse, demand help with it. Do NOT think you are weak. You are NOT. That is just the professional stigma created to keep the machine running without disruption. Please, demand help and reprieve if you need it.

Some final advice, respect your dispatchers, they are actually better cops than some who wear a badge and gun and they can be a wealth of assistance, do your best not to get your name on the Peace Officer memorial wall, avoid having case law named after you, and do not use the drive thru in a marked unit. Seriously though, please, always do what you know is right. Don’t deviate. Be fair. Be consistent. Be honest. Always treat others the way you would expect to be treated if you were in their position.

I wish you all the best and brightest futures.

Specifically, to Quenell, I will simply say: I know what you did that morning, I know what you, Steve Dunn, and DA Myers orchestrated in the days and months after. I know the dishonesty, and the absolute moral and ethical bankruptcy you all showed in secret. The depths to which each of you would sink in order to satisfy your need for revenge and destruction was sickening to watch. You three, along with the DA, actually made me embarrassed to have given 23 years of my life to the profession. I know what your intentions were and are. While it was quick thinking, cunning and calculated in those moments, the truth of your actions and character will keep you from ever having the support of the troops or the community, so you may have achieved your goal of further harming the office, the Undersheriff, and the Sheriff, but you will not ever be Sheriff. In the end, what you intended for evil will be made good. Your tactics will never prevail because unlike you, the Sheriff and Undersheriff are genuinely good, and honest men, and you are not. Most people can see it.

Citizen Sam Williams

On 5/16/24, I submitted this PRA to the County of Humboldt:

"I am requesting a copy of the email sent by former HCSO Sgt. Sam Williams to HCSO employees. I believe it was two days ago but I will make the time frame May 13, 2024 to May 16, 2024."

"As an additional request, I am asking for any communication in the same time period from Sheriff William Honsal to the County IT department about Sam Williams email."

The due date for your request may be later than usual because the office is closed on: May 27: Memorial Day

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