May 21, 2024

CalPoly Humboldt's blowhard response to ACLU via their lawyer is meaningless because their actions prior to the protests speak for themselves


Over two weeks later, Cal Poly Humboldt responded today to the ACLU's May 4, 2024 letter. 

Universities nationwide and American politicians handled these protests despicably. HSU's arrogance since they got the "Cal Poly Humboldt" designation they never deserved only further emboldened them because they think they own Arcata and Humboldt. They have money and political backing and like most entitled bullies, they know people will remain silent out of fear or because they are paid tools who have sold their soul for a penny. 

At least some people in this country are waking up and seeing there is no difference between the Democrats and Republicans when both parties allow foreign interests to dictate American policy and freedom of speech.  If you are such a "patriot" then you would be speaking up for freedom and civil liberties and not just express outrage when your opinion is silenced and it affects your tiny, selfish bubble.

CPH response:

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