May 18, 2024

If this DA administration can resolve a molestation case with 10 felonies, what is the difference between the Eads and former Gallegos administration?


On 5/14, alleged molestor Laverne Dobereiner's case on for setting of preliminary hearing was continued by stipulation to 5/21 and offers were exchanged. Deputy Carolyn Schaffer appeared on the case for the People. Deputy Public Defender Ryan McClurg is Dobereiner's attorney.

Dobereiner is charged with 10 felonies which are 7 counts of PC 288.7 (b) oral copulation or sexual penetration with a child who is 10 years or younger, one count of PC 288 (a) lewd or lascivious acts with a minor,  one count of PC 287 (c) (1) oral copulation with a minor under 14 and one count of PC 287 (c) (2) (b) forcible oral copulation with a child under 14 years of age.

One of the criticisms of  former DA Paul Gallegos' administration was that there were too many pleas in child molestation cases. That improved under former DA Maggie Fleming's administration. The current Stacey Eads administration, a prosecutor who won many many horrific trials I covered has lately been pleading out too many child porn and child molestation trials. Former DA Fleming is at the DA's office "running things" according to sources in the know. What a dissapointment from two women who I previously lauded and counted on to stand up for children and women survivors.

From the ridiculous plea in Ray Christie's case, the Joe Hale case and others recently, the next election for DA is not going to be the slam dunk the Fleming Eads contingent had in the last two elections. I only heard this from one source but it seems DA Eads is not planning to run for re-election. Insiders said Stacey Eads did not want to run in the past election but was talked into it by former DA Fleming.

Surprisingly, the two names mentioned and by a criminal defense attorney for DA candidates were Roger Rees and Luke Bernthal. I would be fine with either because they are seasoned prosecutors and professional and can deal with someone who disagrees but there is a lot that would have to change the way the DA's office operates and several prosecutors, investigators and staff that need to go. 

5/21: Setting of preliminary hearing continued to 5/30. Offers received. Defense oral motion to continue to review offers.

5/30: Setting of prelim continued by defense to 6/13.

6/13: Instead of setting a preliminary hearing date, complaint amended to add Count 11 &12, case resolved for 24 years in prison which is the total term for Count 11 and 11, apellate rights waived and Counts 1 to 10 dismissed.

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