May 11, 2024

Frederick Breckenridge arrested for criminal threats and threatening a public official


I just did a post on 49 year old Frederick Wilson Breckenridge and a temporary restraining order against him two days ago. I had posted about his rants and threats on April 17, 2023. In my post on May 9, I included his recent rantings and more threats from Facebook. 

That very day Breckenridge shared my April 17, 2023 post and in one of his latest rants he mentions several Humboldt Superior Court judges, the Public Defender's office, ousted Gregory Kreis and Kreis'  fiancee and Humboldt self help attorney Tanya Ellis, Joe Hale and other people. Except for Rex and two County employees, no one else mentioned by Breckenridge connected in any way to the Courthouse has filed for a restraining order; yet. 

Breckenridge has mentioned me in several recent Facebook posts. This kind of targeting, threats and harassment has happened to me more than a few times. It happens to attorneys. Are we claiming "anxiety and distress" and requesting restraining orders running scared like Rexy? Big Bubba Rex who drives a yuge truck, can run and lock himself in his office as claimed in court documents and has firearms is so scared that he gets a TRO that would not be granted to just your average Joe or Jane. 

Rex gets his legal expenses for this TRI covered by taxpayers, he has a direct line to his buddy, Sheriff William Honsal and many local connections. Imagine being a regular Joe or Jane without the position,money and resources.

Breckenridge had an alleged, recent interaction with First District Supervisor Rex Bohn outside the Courthouse. There are two hearings scheduled in May that I wrote about in my post two days ago. One is a TRO requested by the County of Humboldt; the petitioner is Rex Bohn and a TRO was requested and already granted by CR President Keith Flamer.

HCSO arrested Breckenridge yesterday on a Ramey warrant for PC 422 criminal threats, and PC 76(a) threatening a public official. Bail at booking is $50,000. As of 9:30 this morning, he is still in custody. Breckenridge was arrested by HCSO Deputy Seth Crosswhite.

Given who Breckenridge threatened, charges will definitely be filed. If and when he is arraigned, how long will it take his attorney to declare doubt or file a petition for mental health diversion? 

Aunna Bollman and Kathleen Marcotulli both who threatened some of the same people had restraining orders granted against them and Bollman still has 9 open cases. There are violation of court orders all the time with no consequences for the public.  Let's see what happens in this TRO requested by Rex and how this is treated by the criminal justice system and the County.

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