Jul 20, 2024

Four days since I contacted Los Bagels about a concerning email and no response, is this what they consider security and customer service?


I have been very fortunate not to get a lot of spam and I am very careful of my online security. The rare time I have had an issue was once after using my card in Old Town and I was able to take care of it by calling my bank and grateful for their security procedures and alerts.

On July 17, I got one spam call about this journalism program. I ignored it and they keep calling. It is annoying but not as concerning as the email from a local business. Around the same time, I got an email from Los Bagels, it is their office email saying verify your account. If this isnt you, contact us. No phone number and the Arcata address. 

I haven't been to Los Bagels in years and the last time I was in Arcata briefly was over a year ago. I emailed no response. I called the Arcata store & the guy who answered the phone didn't even know the email or phone number for the office and didn't think it was a big deal. I tried calling their office number, got a strange message. Emailed accounting. No response and it has been 4 days. My yahoo email is public and that is not the email for the Los Bagels debacle. Finally heard from Los Bagels on 7/23 which is three days after this post was published and a week from my original email.

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