Jul 22, 2024

15 witnesses or more are expected to testify in alleged molestor Gary Landergen's jury trial


15 witnesses or more are expected to testify in alleged molestor Gary Landergen's trial. I doubt the time estimate of three weeks given motions in limine, jury selection before evidence can be presented. At trial assignment on 7/19, it is trailing. If it proceeds and is  assigned today, Landergen was ordered to appear in person at 1:30.

As of 8:30 morning, there was no resolution. In the afternoon, Landergen trial assigned to Courtroom 3.

 Witness confirmation is scheduled for 8/1. Deputy District Attorney Whitney Timm is the prosecutor. Conflict Counsel Supervising Attorney Meagan O'Connell is Landergen's attorney.

I previously reported Landergen is no longer living in Humboldt. If you did not read my regular coverage of the case and detailed posts on the preliminary hearing, links to prior coverage have been provided.

On 7/23, individual jurors are being questioned. Landergen has been sitting outside by himself all day. People restate offer to plead guilty to two counts of PC 273 (a) (b) child abuse/endangerment no registration. Offer rejected by Landergen. 7/6/24 afternoon trial will be "dark."

7/23 court minutes:

Previous posts:



















 m=1 https://johnchiv.blogspot.com/2022/04/did-fpd-issue-temporary-protective.html?m=1


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