Jul 3, 2024

Gregory Kreis is getting a taste of his own medicine in his divorce case


The points made in this brief filing by Brenda Elvine's lawyer in her divorce case against Gregory Kreis have already been made by me in prior coverage with court documents and other documentation. I was waiting to see if Brenda Elvine's lawyer would file anything.

With Gregor blabbing his business all over the courthouse and in other places, the information was known to quite a few people.

On 7/8, Kreis should be ordered to pay spousal support. Gregor has dragged this out for months; something he did not give the courtesy to anyone in his court that he was biased against or just didn't care for or wanted to punish for whatever reason.

Gregor deserves no sympathy; no mercy. Unlike people whose lives he destroyed, he bought this on himself. Instead of continuing to blame his ex wife, former Humboldt Public Deputy Public Defender Rory Kalin, Ms. April Van Dyke who won his seat by an overwhelming margin, me or anyone else, Gregor needs to start apologizing and take responsibility for why he lost the election and why he is no longer a judge. I doubt Gregor the terrible will ever do that because one has to have morals and a conscience. Pigs will fly before Humboldt's mini Trump will ever act like a man.  I shouldnt insult the rest of the male species using that term for Gregor. His denial also makes him a mini Biden. 

Before any of you clutch your pearls or think this is harsh, your life has not been decimated by a man who is a stain on the legal profession and should never have been a judge. The CJP ruling and facts are not even all the horror this man has unleashed on people who have stood up to him or expected him to have a clue about the law. Most of you risked nothing to expose this man and you didnt pay the price or be there for people affected by his tyranny. The voters ousted him. The CJP finally did something after years due to the persistence of many people who took risks and spoke up. Now that they have ruled; they were aware of the ongoing coverage on this blog about Gregor in real time. I am still talking to people he brought to tears in court and whose cases are not in the CJP proceedings but just as devastating. The California State Bar is a joke for reinstating his law license. 

Kreis screwed over a lot of people. People who were not making his $260,000 salary. He punished people who could not fight back;  people who were already struggling because he is biased and lazy.  Gregor cost people a lot of money, their homes, their reputation, their children.

He is vindictive and he knows exactly what statements he has made about retaliation against facts and truth inconvenient to him and Tanya Ellis Gregor has no judicial immunity now and his pro per filings  are the joke among many lawyers in California. Did he and Tanya get married on June 10? Did they honeymoon in Cancun? Have Brenda Elvine and her lawyer looked into that or the renovation at the house? 

I have done a lot of posts on Gregory Kreis, including his family law case. I am not linking all the posts. Here are a few that are relevant to this post.




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