Jul 22, 2024

Forcible rape suspect trial to include testimony from defense expert and witnesses out of the area


Forcible rape suspect Hudson Jack's 2022 case was going to include testimony from defense expert and witnesses out of the area. Time estimate for the trial was 3 weeks and it was assigned to Judge Kaleb Cockrum.

Instead Hudson resolved his case today. Hudson's plea is conditional, pleaded guilty to lesser charge Count 5 PC 236 false imprisonment as a felony and Count 6 PC 289 (e) as a misdemeanor. Rest of the charges dismissed. Agreement is no additional jail time and registration as a sex offender for 10 years. Sentencing is on 8/20. 

Deputy District Attorney Carolyn Schaffer is the prosecutor. Deputy Public Defender Wade Orbelian is Jack's attorney.

7/19 court minutes:

7/22 court minutes:

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