Jul 11, 2024

Many victim's families live very far away. It is John's blog that is the lifeline of information for them if they cannot be here in person. The law can be a sad, and in some cases gruesome topic. He has befriended these victims families and sometimes lent his powerful platform to them so they can tell the community, what it is like going through this process."

I am sharing what I wrote on Facebook earlier and not because of donations which are necessary for independent reporting but because it prompted someone to reach out to me who I have not heard from in eight years. 

Tomorrow is the 8th anniversary of Faith Tsarnas' death. I remember every reader, every family, every court case I cover because they are not headlines to me. I keep in touch with my readers. Please keep Faith, Kiya and their families and friends in your thoughts and prayers this week.

Every day it is a decision and choice to do this blog. I value all my testimonials because they are heartfel but this is a small excerpt from Allan Dollison's testimonial about my court coverage is what many have expressed to me in similar sentiments.

I want you to keep that in mind when you think of Faith, Kiya and the many court cases, the survivors of sexual abuse and assault whose cases you read about on this blog. I have been doing this blog for 10 years but the work in the community is longer.

"I want to compliment John on the important service he provides. John is dedicated in his Court coverage. There are many cases that he is the sole coverage on. He knows the players, the issues and does a dedicated job in getting the facts out. Many victim's families live very far away. It is John's blog that is the lifeline of information for them if they cannot be here in person. The law can be a sad, and in some cases gruesome topic. He has befriended these victims families and sometimes lent his powerful platform to them so they can tell the community, what it is like going through this process."

I don't do this blog for the money. I could care less about the petty Humboldt cabal and insiders who dismiss and still wont give me the credit I deserve. I dont need it. The people who matter know. I get results. I have proven myself. But the constant stleath attacks on my ability to earn income, put a roof over my head, retaliation which is forcing me to daily survive and has affected my health is a fact and each day I continue, it is made harder by the same petty people. They are the same evil that hurt many of you and they can wallow in their hate. I will keep doing what I do and focus on the good and support. 

I dont have a donation link because it is not cost effective, not everyone likes to donate online but most importantly because I have a personal relationship with my readers. I have an email address or people see me. It doesnt matter what the amount is, it could be $5. It could be once; I let people decide. There have been less than 10 people, all insiders and users who lied, got my information & then never followed through. Most people are kind, and appreciate that we talk atleast once before that donation. I feel if someone is sacrificing to support my work, I should take the time to get to know them instead of an impersonal link.

I am not going to post details about my struggles on Facebook but I have on the blog and most of my readers know that I have done this blog under very difficult circumstances, especially the last 4 years. I want to thank those who read daily, respond and reach out to me not for a tip, not for any other reason but to ask how I am doing and support my work.

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