Jul 20, 2024

Daniella Moore could have been in prison and never met Hannah, EPD text scandal 2?



Hannah Hayhurst could have been spared a brutal death had her murderer Daniella Moore not avoided arrest before. 

Before that fatal night when Hayhurst and Moore's paths crossed at the gas station on Myrtle Avenue, in an unrelated matter, Eureka Police Department arrived at Moore's house with a search warrant in 2017 but she was not there and the house was "clean." Moore pulled up while EPD was there and told EPD that she had been tipped off by "Bandit" aka Mario Garcia. "Bandit" claimed he was told about EPD coming to Moore's house from J.D. Braud who is now the HCSO Undersheriff. This was investigated by former HCSO Captain Kym Thompson. A year before her retirement, I did a post about Thompson being on admin leave, allegedly due to creating a hostile work environment. HCSO could not comment on personnel issues. In addition to the comments on that post, just last year, I was told directly by someone that they left HCSO because of her. My sources are credible & people I know for years.


Remember the EPD text scandal that made national news? Remember my June 2013 post on former EPD Commander Greg Hill leaving and joining the DA's office? 


There is more to Hill's departure as well as the demotion of Jonathan Eckert to EPD officer. He might be leaving soon and going to Redding. Regardless of the official reasons stated, the public never heard about concerns and body cam videos being viewed by officers about an incident. There would not even have been an internal alert if it had not been for Commander Leonard LaFrance. And no City of Eureka Manager Miles Slattery and Chief Brian Stephens, Commander LaFrance is not my source. Dont assume where my information came from or incorrectly admonish EPD officers like before.  

And if the report filed which corroborates what I am saying is missing after this post or before this post, the public should take note. There was a traffic incident with an Asian female early a.m. She spoke "broken English" Body cam footage is limited to who can view it, EPD documents it and allegedly people who did not have access viewed footage  and exchanged "racial slurs" via texts.

Former EPD Police Chief Steve Watson and JD Braud  "are tight" I was told. According to sources, Watson covered for Braud when the complaint was filed and "chewed out both captains for not telling him about the complaint immediately."

EPD and HCSO hide behind technicalities and laws so getting comment is useless. With HCSO, proving JD Braud told "Bandit" anything is futile but there should be a record of EPD going to Moore's house just as there should be a record of a traffic stop of an "Asian female" and if Exckert was involved.

I did extensive coverage on Daniella Moore and the related EPD "text scandal" with a lot of exclusive information. The Sacramento Bee even linked me in one of their articles. There are too many posts to link. Most of my readers are familiar and have read prior coverage. Anyone else can access the numerous posts via the search feature on this blog or Google. 

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