Jul 22, 2024

Rees vs Sullivan Round 2 this week with convicted felon's attempted murder trial


On 7/19, at trial assignment, convicted felon and attempted murder suspect James Atkin's jury trial supposed to start today, is scheduled to begin tomorrow. It was assigned to Retired Judge John Feeney.

Deputy District Attorney Roger Rees and Ms. Andrea Sullivan just concluded the Jorge Anaya trial and will face off again in Round 2. If you read my Anaya post, Round 1 Sullivan prevailed.

On 7/23, Atkins addressed Judge Feeney. He was admonished. Atkins then had to be removed from the courtroom. At 2:12, Judge Feeney asked to speak with attorneys in a closed courtroom. Mr. Rees was in court; Ms. Sullivan appeared via Zoom. I was outside the courtroom, checking e court when this happened.

On 7/24, court unable to secure adequate number of jurors and trial was continued. Trial confirmation on 8/26; jury trial on 9/23. Atkins says he has hired an attorney from LA. Dates could change, again, with a new attorney. If this case, goes to trial, maybe we will get more details about the kill zone theory filed by the DA. 

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