Jul 30, 2024

Yurok Indian Housing Authority sues Humboldt County


The lawsuit involves a multi-family housing unit in McKinleyville and alleges the County failed to comply with regulation and maintain a drainage channel and storm drains on County property causing extensive flooding on the Yurok Indian Housing Authority.

You can read more details provided in the court documents. Relief sought includes $55,000 in compensatory damages; permanent injunction preventing the County from interfering with Yurok Indian Housing Authority "use and enjoyment of property" and attorney fees. 

The lawsuit was filed on 7/17/24 and there is a Case Management Conference scheduled for 1/13/25. 

Why did the Yurok Tribe chose to hire Ms. Cyndy Day-Wilson. Her track record of losses in the local courts have been documented on this blog. The Wiyot Tribe hired Ms. Siena Kalina from Berkey Williams LLP. She is an excellent attorney, capable and unlike the Yurok Tribe, at least the Wiyot Tribe choice of attorney supports someone also well versed in American Indian law with tribal affiliations.

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