Jul 10, 2024

Former Alaska federal Trump appointed judge resignation and complaint will give you deja vu about ousted Gregory Kreis


Judge Joshua Kindred resigned on July 5. He was a  US district court judge in Alaska and appointed by former President Donald Trump and confirmed by the US Senate in 2020. Kindred served 4 years on the bench and did not address the allegations in the May 2024 complaint filed by the Judicial Council of the Ninth Circuit. The Judicial.Council asked Kindred to voluntary resign.

Unlike ousted Gregory Kreis, he did not drag his resignation out for months. Unlike the California Judicial Council, Alaska actually took swifter action in asking Kindred to voluntary resign. Unlike the California Commission on Judicial Performance investigation and decision which dragged on for years and a deal reached only after voters ousted Kreis and sent a clear, strong message. Still, the useless California State Bar reinstated Kreis' law license and spit in the face of the public by allowing Kreis to continue soiling Humboldt courts by his presence and profit from any cases he will be involved with knowing his significant other Tanya Ellis is also employed by Humboldt Superior Court and many other conflicts of interest and people mentioned in the CJP investigation, notice of formal proceedings and CJP final decision are involved and work in the local court system.

Kindred did not retaliate against individuals reporting him. Hostile work environment, inappropriate relationship with a law clerk, lying to the Chief Judge. Getting deja vu of the Kreis CJP notice of formal proceedings.

I have included his resignation letter and some pages of the Ninth Circuit complaint.

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