Apr 25, 2024

In a court document, Kreis says he will have no income starting May 27, 2024


On March 20, I did a post on a first amended qualified domestic relations order in ousted loser Gregory Kreis' divorce case. I regularly check cases I report on this blog and saw there were some new filings in that case. 

Kreis is not only a sore loser; he is stupid. In his filings, Kreis says he will have no income as of May 27, 2024. Earlier this week, I wrote Kreis is going to be on vacation from 4/25/24 to 5/25/24 and not returning to Humboldt Superior Court. I have contacted the California Judicial Council with some initial questions about the resignation process of a judge and also specifically about Kreis. They directed me to contact Humboldt court which I have already done, the Governor's office or Kreis. I may contact the Governor's office as things develop. 

Kreis' recent filings  in his family law case alone show he is clueless, incompetent and dumb when it comes to the law, still in denial about why he lost the election and vindictive. 

You can read in the court filings the claims he is making about Ms. April Van Dyke who beat him by a substantial margin in the March 2024 election; former Deputy Public Defender Rory Kalin who sued him and me for my coverage. People he could not intimidate and silence. I dont know his ex wife and divorces are messy but I do know him and have observed Kreis for over a decade. In addition to my own observations about Kreis, there is the behavior alleged in the 21 counts in the Commission on Judicial Performance and Kreis has been called a bully and worse by  attorneys and others in the legal community for decades. 

Kreis the unremorseful, don't yap in public spaces to multiple people about the CJP proceedings or your future or proposed personal and professional plans. If you are stupid enough to talk about stuff where anyone can overhear your conversations and who you are talking with, then don't be pissed at what people in a small community know about you or find out about you. 

If you told multiple people, including attorneys yesterday that this is your last day in Humboldt court and something like you will still be around, then you should not be surprised if that information gets around and quick.

Is the information about you renting space for a law office near the Courthouse the truth or was it bait and a lie put out there by you or someone else for an ulterior motive? Whether you are renting an office is hard to verify because you may or may not be renting from an attorney or someone else "informally". There are several office spaces near the Courthouse. I did check 322 I street and the Carson building. I am not getting into more specifics right now about why I say that information maybe bait. Guess Kreis and those so curious about me and my reporting will have to wait. 

The legal community all over California speculated weeks ago and said that you might try to earn money as a lawyer. The CJP, the judge in your family law case should investigate if that is in the works because it will either confirm or contradict you stating in a court filing that you lose all your income starting 5/27/24. 

I don't know yet if the Commission on Judicial Performance has cut a deal with you and is negotiating with you but I hope they are paying attention. Looking at your actions and words since the notice of formal proceedings was posted, how will you behave once the CJP proceedings conclude?

Your not returning to Humboldt Superior Court as a judge speaks louder than any of your claims and denials. If you are so innocent as you claim, you would not have settled your lawsuit with Kalin. That is a claim you make but there has been no proof provided. If you cut a deal with the CJP, you are doing it to avoid more serious consequences.

Kreis the incompetent, you claim to be a judge and a lawyer. Those words next to your name are an insult to the profession. Why have you made allegations in these filings and referred to me with no proof about the claims and stated certain facts which are incorrect.

Kreis claims he does not read my blog. There is no way for me to know whether he does or not and therefore I will not make that claim. What I can say is that he is aware of what I write. 

He knows I wrote about the email sent to court staff this week about him going on vacation and not returning. In his filings, Kreis referred to photos and his ex wife being at Ms. Van Dyke's celebration. I was the only one to cover that event and post those photos.

In these filings, Kreis claims that his ex wife Brenda Elvine made a letter available to the press, possibly a local blogger. Does he have proof that she provided that letter to "press" or a local blogger?

I was the only one who posted that letter written by his ex wife and the first one to post it. That letter was widely read and attributed to me. 

By insinuating that I got it from his ex wife, Kreis has stated an untrue fact. I did not get that letter from Brenda Elvine and I have never had any contact with her. The first time I saw Brenda Elvine was at Ms. Van Dyke's election party and we did not speak. I have told numerous people including attorneys over years and months that she has never contacted me or spoken with me. 

That letter was was in a motion for new trial filed by former Deputy Public Defender Rory Kalin's attorneys. I have been regularly covering that lawsuit and posted many court documents from that case.

Posting court documents is something I do on a regular basis on my blog. I also get other public documents just as I do election filings. It takes a lot of time, effort and going to obtain it in person but that is traditional shoe leather journalism. I do not ignore relevant news like other media nor do I care about anyone's status.


Kym Kemp asked me for Kreis' ex wife's letter and permission  to publish it on her site, RHBB. 

Most of the local "press" has ignored covering Kreis until they were forced to after the CJP notice of formal proceedings and some of the "local" entrenched media did a sloppy job and were rightfully called out by the public. Kreis singled me out by unsubstantiated claims in this filing. 

I wrote in that February 21, 2024 post,"Kreis is telling people that if his ex-wife talks badly about him and he loses income, that she is the one who won't get her money. "

From these recent filings, looks like Kreis is following through on that statement. The filings also confirm what I posted about him selling his house.

I am not going to post certain documents such as the income and expense declaration because it contains personal financial information and the names of Tanya Ellis' children who are minors right next to where he lists her as his "fiance." Kreis is so illiterate he can't even spell the word fiancee correctly.

There was a denial of the temporary order requested by Kreis on 4/19/24. Hearings keep getting vacated in the Kreis family law case but as of today, there was still a hearing scheduled on 5/20 for a permanent order regarding spousal support. After this post, an order was entered in e court and the hearing has been continued by stipulation to 5/30.

5/30 hearing vacated and  rescheduled for 6/10.

Recent and related posts on Kreis:




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