Apr 11, 2024

"COnstant cover up with leaders and abuse. I know Allen can be a little much but he isn't wrong."


I did a post on April 8 about the arrest of Raymond Bacon who was arrested by Eureka Police Department. He is Yurok Tribe's Economic Development Corporation's executive director. On May 11, I reported about the DUI arrest for former Yurok executive director Javier Kinney. 

As usual crickets from other local media. Allen McCloskey sent some Facebook posts today to which included other media and tagged the Humboldt DAs office, elected officials, Yurok Tribe leaders in the Facebook posts about Bacon. I doubt you will see any coverage. Humboldt is full of cowards and the rest of the local media does not have the guts to take on the power, corruption and lack of transparency or I wouldn't be inundated with people contacting me daily. 

To Lana McCovey, yes there are two sides of the story but when the Yurok Tribe hinders coverage by being selective whether they comment or not, only sends press releases to selective local media; the same media who never cover tribal arrests such as the two mentioned above or report or hold accountable elected officials, the DAs office, the courts or local judges whose fault is it? 

Allen McCloskey only posted Ms. McCovey's partial comment. It is a private facebook group. In fairness to her, if someone including her wants to send her comment or address anything Allen is saying, they know how to contact me. I have explained previously why I can't even get a comment or an email through and the Yurok tribe has not once reached out and fixed the issue. 

I do not agree with Allen or what he says in his facebook post but he does call people out and he isn't the only one concerned about the Yurok tribe leadership or lack of transparency.

"COnstant cover up with leaders and abuse. I know Allen can be a little much but he isn't wrong. " This is just one statement from another member of the community.

Raymond Bacon's boss is Sherri Provolt. This is a 2022 police report that I was provided about her son John Provolt. Surveillance footage Eureka Police Department viewed only showed a Good Relations Employee talking to John Provolt. Employees claimed John Provolt was masturbating while making a purchase at the counter. It is an EPD case.

This tip about Provolt did not come from Allen or EPD but a fed member of the Yurok Tribe. From the report, I doubt there was any action but when I follow up on other tips about Provolt and Bacon including some information about Bacon's arrest, I will check.

I checked e court for more details and as I have said many times, without a middle name on reports and court entries, it makes verifying harder but the DA has a case for a 2/9/22 charge of indecent exposure for a John Provolt with a trial setting scheduled on 4/25/24. Mr. Ben Okin made a special appearance on 3/7/24 for Ms. Andrea Sullivan who Provolt has retained. Why it took the DA two years to arraign, I have no idea. It is the same John Provolt, son of Sherri Provolt, because the arraignment letter has a Trinidad address.

The information about John Provolt and  Raymond Bacon I was given has specifics. Some of it is from  community members who know both parties, families and relationships.

Some of it refers to reports which I will try and verify if I can, if there are records in Humboldt Superior Court and if they are public records. If as my tipsters claim, cases have been transferred to tribal court. I won't be able to get any document. Others have told me they have had issues getting documents.

By the end of the day, more information on yet another Yurok leader and more on Provolt. These are text messages and facebook posts being exchanged by community members. Unless I can verify charges were filed or there was some official report, I cannot post this information. If the same messages and facebook posts are sent to me directly by the people or I can access those posts directly as I did from Chelsey Dowd's Facebook page, I will include them.

Allen McCloskey's Facebook posts:

It isn't just the Yurok Tribe, Security National, other businesses, the DAs office, elected officials in Humboldt respond selectively and favor certain media and their sycophants because they can. Kreis was ousted in an election by people who took risks and stood up to power, his abuse, his arrogance and money. A state agency listened due to persistent, courageous people. 

If you support enabling local media who selectively cover and if you support people and officials who are arrogant, ignore their cobstituents, think they don't owe answers, you are the problem in Humboldt. 

Those of you who expect me to keep doing thankless work, can't even fight your own battles or do anything for others but take & take, contact someone else next time.

Don't call, text or email me when you need information or help because you dont support me when I get attacked, you do not financially invest in my work that is a service to this community. You  repeatedly ignore what I have say because you are selfish users and like Kreis think you will never be held accountable.  

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