Apr 13, 2024

TS is reporting old news as usual, this time years and months later


The parking lot next to City Hall being owned by Security National was reported in January 2024. Redwood Capital Bank taking it over in April 2023. Times Standard  runs old news on April 13, 2024. People who regularly keep informed and are decision makers are already aware of this fact.

This is only one example of Times Standard's Jackson Guilfoil following up on something I already reported. Usually, it is days or weeks later. In this case, months and a year later. 

With more relevant news this week, Jackson and TS couldn't come up with something original and more current? Jackson could have asked if the Arkleys and others will still donate to the Zoo with the Foundation dissolving or ask Miles Slattery specifics on how the City of Eureka plans to fundraise and recruit new membership for the Zoo. That would actually require the sub standard to do work and actual journalism. Surprised this isn't "subscriber only." 🙄 

One can get more current information from some Humboldt Reddit posts and local Facebook posts than the substandard. Content from those sources may not always be accurate but at least people read it. Sub standard is what you get when good ole boy progeny  John Richmond plays publisher. 

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