Aug 3, 2024

Just a glimpse of 24 hours and the abuse I face for doing a blog in Humboldt which is the "Devil's playground"

I wrote about convicted sex offender Benjamin Pesch's case which concluded months ago. I do keep tips and emails confidential even those I receive misusing my email address. Most people will back off after one response. I can always sense the ones with a red flag and once again, I was correct about this one email that set off my radar.

Since August 1 throughout this morning , this one particular abusive, persistent troll misused my email address, harassed me repeatedly, tried to use my genuine concern for survivors and the time I put in covering news on cases others ignore to constantly attack and interrupt my ability to work amidst other challenges I face on a daily basis just to survive.

This is someone I believe is a danger to me and this community. Despite repeated warnings, this troll still won't stop. I am only giving you a snippet of the email exchange. 

From late night to all hours this morning, I have received several emails from this deranged individual. I haven't included all the emails; enough to show you the progression.

I  receive a lot of hate and abuse from simply doing my job and it is Humboldt specific. It has been this way before this blog but not as horrible since the blog. I get several emails a day which are not as abusive but a misuse of my email address. I am not printing the entire email exchange on the blog it is too lengthy and this troll has taken up too much time. I told this troll, I will notify my lawyer, the DA and law enforcement. This kind of nonsense always happens during a busy week. The change from a perfectly normal email to the troll becoming abusive and insulting me and my blog is typical of a bully who didn't get his way. This is typical in Humboldt of the people who diss me, gossip about me or think I am polarizing. Most in Humboldt, especially with money, are cheap and don't want to pay but use people. I have lived many places in the U.S. and traveled all over the world. This is Humboldt specific.

These people do not represent everyone in Humboldt but those who are the "Devil's playground" are vocal, persistent, pervasive and unfortunately most have generational wealth and refuse to accept how their actions are directly responsible for others struggling. 

All this will delay me  updating the Gary Landergen case and other court cases which I still completed this weekend.

Yes,, there are typos. There were worse in emails  "Ryan" sent me and they are some of the emails I didn't publish. Online typos can be fixed. Given that I am working 24/7 with challenges your anon sanctimonious pissy self couldn't handle for 10 minutes; let alone months, I don't give a fig about what you think. 

Your email is so full of bs that I don't have time to address every point. Valid criticism from someone trying to help is different from a snit who is oblivious to what I do and under what conditions. Not all of us have the luxury to have AI or proofread something at leisure and I don't write once in a blue moon. Not all of us get paid hourly or at all for the grueling hours we put in for thankless 
mean girls and guys of Humboldt. Glad you like my coverage of the Landergen case. Lives ruined but the gossipy drama addicted Humboltians are focused on drooling over other people's misery. Passive aggressive behavior and anon emails are annoying, irritating during a week I have been going non stop but I am not offended by what you wrote. I would have to give a damn. 

If you are going to criticize, get the post right because hundreds of other people read the same post.  I read it again. Don't make shit up. You left clues about who you are and what you are pissed about. I don't see you kvetching about typos or worse factual errors other local media makes on a regular basis. When you can function non stop without the basic tools of survival for days, months, years while fending off constant attacks like this with no sleep, no rest and do a thankless job, day after day reporting live; let's see how "perfect" you are. Let's see how many of you haters can juggle multiple courtrooms, covering multiple cases, complex matters, other news with details in minutes, live, typing on your phone amidst uneccessary challenges created by the Humboldt inept "leadership", "billionaires" and the cabal that no other media has the guts to stand up to or cover.

"Ryan" is just one of the many useless emails in a 48 hour period. Emails have continued for 72 hours. All anonymous, same abusive hate and personal attacks. One about the Landergen case which was just as pathetic as "Ryan." Thank you haters for reading my blog and reacting to criticisms about you. These are not random emails. They are predictable. They are from cowards who can't say what they want to my face and are pissed that I called them out. 

For "Ryan," "supprgrrl" and my Humboldt haters. 

Some are from random strangers wanting suggestions and referrals for local lawyers for free. Whatever advertising people are doing on other sites and places isn't working because this happens all the time. There are people wanting information for free and asking me for requests which are not my job and they want it for free. Random people email me like I am their buddy. Angry, frustrated people sending me irrelevant tips with no evidence because no one else listens to them and the systems and Humboldt corruption has failed them. 

Thank you to those who reached out after this post privately and on the Facebook page like decent humans instead of silence or just using, abusing and taking like most have done for the 20 years I have been here. 

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