Aug 24, 2024

Which County employee are the BOS meeting about in closed session?


On 8/27, under closed session items, there are three existing litigations. I have previously reported on CV2301390 the lawsuit filed by former court reporter Kay Marie Gibbs against the County of Humboldt. She is represented by Mr. Patrik Griego. 
County is represented by Liebert Cassidy Whitmore, a Fresno law firm.

After Del Norte Superior Judge Darren McElfresh ruling in June, I checked the case for a while and there were no new filings. There were two documents filed on 7/8 and 7/15 and a second amended complaint filed on 7/25. 

I followed up with Mr. Griego. He told me, "The County’s attorney filed a motion asking for more time to respond to the complaint. They have the chance to demurrer again or simply file an answer." The County motion has not been entered in e court. It was filed on 8/27 after this post was published and is now included in the post. 

The more interesting item under closed session is item 4 . The Supervisors will consider discipline, dismissal or release of a public employee.

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