Aug 26, 2024

Foot Logic owner's arraignment unlikely today, if he is released from custody, who dropped the ball?


Foot Logic owner Jianzhao Dong was arrested on 8/22 and booked on a no bail hold. He is on the must go list for 8/26 which means he needs to be arraigned or he will be released from custody. I checked e court this morning. At 1:58, I checked with the DA's office, they did not have a report yet which they need to charge someone. 

On 8/27, Dong is still on the must go list. I have not seen someone on the must go list on two consecutive days. DA must have received the report after the post. A complaint was filed with 4 felony counts. Ct 1 & 2 PC 289 (a) 1 (a) forcible sexual penetration with a foreign object. Ct 3 & 4 PC 243.4 (c) sexual battery by fraudulent representation.

Dong was arraigned on 8/27. Deputy DA Candace Myers appeared on behalf of the People for arraignment. Dong has retained former DA Paul Gallegos, Visiting Judge Richard Kalustian changed bail to $50,000, time was not waived, criminal protective order for both alleged victim 1 &2 served in court. A Mandarin interpreter was on the court line. OR/bail hearing on 8/30; preliminary hearing on 9/10.

8/30: 9/10 date vacated. Setting of Preliminary hearing scheduled for 10/1/24. Defendant's son is authorized to interpret for Dong? I thought only court certified interpreters were allowed? If Dong is convicted, he could appeal.

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