Aug 10, 2024

Michael Black arrested for the 5th time this year, booked for possession of laughing gas and being drunk


(August 10 arrest)

(August 9 arrest)

Make that 6th arrest. Released from custody on bond, Black gets arrested again on 8/10 for PC 381(b) possession of laughing gas and PC 594 (b) (1) vandalism. As of the morning of 8/11, he is still in custody with bail at $1 million.

Michael Black arrested for 5th time this year. Yesterday, HCSO arrested him for PC 381(b) possession of nitrous oxide commonly known as laughing gas and PC 647 (f) public intoxication. Once again, he posted bond.

Michael, I should charge you and repeat offenders like Aunna Bollman who racked up 13 frequent and repeated arrests within months for my time. Some of you are competing with Shiloh Chase and JD Pittman for the most frequently arrested title.  Michael, you have an 8/26 arraignment date for your July 14 arrest in the EPD case.  You have been arrested three times by HCSO since you were released from custody in July. Maybe the DA should file a source of bail hearing or request no bail because you are wasting law enforcement, jail staff, the DA and even your own lawyer's time.  You seem to have a lot of money to throw around and whether it is you or enabling family members; until there are both financial and legal consequences; you will keep preying on this community.

Any Humboldt judge who releases you from custody if the DA's requests no bail or remand at the next court hearing owes many in this community and other counties you have "allegedly" victimized an explaination and to be voted out in the next election. 

If it is a retired Judge, then Humboldt Superior Court needs to explain to the community why taxpayer funds are being used for someone double dipping into the system and why they are being repeatedly asked back instead of Visiting Judges who follow the law and protect public safety. I just wrote in another post that the only two Humboldt judges who have made appropriate rulings on bail and custody status to protect the  community, and this is in cases I have checked just in the last two weeks, are Judge Kaleb Cockrum and Judge Lawrence Killoran. 

I am not linking all previous posts in the future. I have been covering Black since 2019 and it is getting cumbersome.

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