Aug 7, 2024

Kenny Carswell has qualified and is officially a candidate for Eureka Ward 2


Just confirmed with City of Eureka Assistant Manager and Clerk Pam Powell and Kenny Carswell has qualified as a candidate for Ward 2. I was the first one to report on his candidacy.

If incumbent Kati Moulton does not turn her paperwork in, the nomination period by tomorrow will be extended to August 14. She had not as of yesterday afternoon. Neither had incumbent Scott Bauer for Ward 4. "Lucky" was still collecting signatures to submit paperwork for Ward 4.

Pam is always gracious with her time and she sends out a press release when the nomination period ends with qualified candidates. I am going to wait until tomorrow to see who turned in their paperwork instead of bothering Pam for candidates who wait until the very last minute. If you want to represent the City of Eureka and aren't even organized enough get your signatures in to be verified a few days ahead of time; I don't trust anything you say because you have already proved you are not serious about the job, disrespectful of others and can't garner the minimum signatures required. How are you going to win an election?

Carswell submitted his paperwork, has a Facebook page and sent out a press release. He also promptly responded to inquiries. Regardless of how some people feel about Carswell's employer; he is professional. This is not an endorsement of Carswell. Just an observation.

As for what he offers as a candidate; hold him to the same standard you would any other candidate and talk to him and all candidates before making a decision who gets your vote.

I don't live in Ward 2 or Ward 4. I do live in Eureka and care about this community. Every politician has funders, associates we may like or dislike and some agenda. Single issue voters are biased and have tunnel vision. Painting any candidate in black and white comes from ignorance.

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