Aug 13, 2024

Roy Gomez can't pay Cyndy Day-Wilson but he can afford Everview's Bradley Johnson?

(Roy and Jessica Gomez)

Most recently, I wrote about Roy Gomez's failed business on 5th Street in Eureka which is supposed to open as a new dispensary under new ownership and his former attorney, Ms. Cyndy Day-Wilson claiming he isn't paying her. There were two other lawsuits involving Gomez I originally reported on in January and I did an update in May about a settlement and dismissal. One of those lawsuits involved Brian Trout. He was represented by Mr. Paul Hagen. The Trouts vs Gomez saga continues with 4 civil harassment restraining order requests. On 8/12, Gomez was on the stand in Courtroom 8 for the second day. I briefly watched him testify. Gomez admitted he sent texts in attachment 10.  Commissioner Sarah Kaber is presiding over the trial. There are 4 cases and several documents. 

Gomez has yet another lawsuit in which he is represented by Everview's Mr. Bradley Johnson. The other parties by Mr. Eric Kirk. 

My regular readers know that Johnson is the attorney who has represented Security National as well as other parties connected to SN's interests. I was the first one to report on Johnson's local representation which includes SN, Citizens for a Better Eureka, Eureka Housing for All and the only one to report on his connection to the Rolling Meadows lawsuit, Travis Schneider and now Gomez. I was the only one to report on Rex Bohn recommending Johnson. 

The rest of the local media conveniently used the Johnson information when they put in some effort  about the AMG secret deal which was their typical once in a blue moon, predictable go after Rob Arkley to appease their grumbling five insider groupie base. When have they done any meaningful investigation on other news and other power hungry local tyrants they regularly ignore and actually achieved results that make a difference in the lives of regular, hardworking people? 

Roy Gomez can't pay Cyndy Day-Wilson but he can afford Everview's Bradley Johnson? Roy Gomez and his significant other Jessica Gomez have a lot to say on Facebook. These two have a failed business that is supposedly reopening with a new owner; Gomez attempt at candidacy was a failure; Roy and Jessica have filed several lawsuits and rant against Eureka City Council members; Gomez has allegedly not paid his former lawyer and they are both now clogging up the Humboldt Superior Court system. Like many in Humboldt; they chose to sue instead of being adults and reflecting on their own issues and drama. Gomez' Facebook buds Patty Sue, Michelle Costantine et al have not been mentioned by other locals or Thomas Edrington. Patty who is now mentioning her SN connection after it was reported on this blog and I agree about one thing. Thomas Edrington use your name and let people know if you are associated with No on F. That is also something Roy Gomez called you out on Facebook. Since Roy did not respond to me previously about his business closing. I didn't bother wasting my time contacting him for comment. Roy, before you go calling anyone else out, can you or Jessica explain why she has a Security National email address?

I put in a PRA request with the County on 8/15 and promptly received a response confirming Jessica Gomez's email address which is the same as other Security National employees.

Readers can make up their own minds and read the court documents. Mr. Hagen, Mr. Johnson and Mr. Kirk all know how to reach me.

Notes on cases and court documents:


Roy Gomez vs David Michael McCanless. Demurrer scheduled on 8/23.

Gomez vs Trout



CV2401191 Hagen Trout's attorney, similar exhibits to CV2401190

CV2401192 Hagen Trout's attorney similar exhibits

8/12 minutes will be added when available

(this isn't the entire filing  just a few relevant pages)


8/1 withdrawl of request TRO without prejudice filed by Johnson for Gomez, 8/2 court minutes show matter off calendar, 8/23 demurrer scheduled off calendar. 

I have checked several times for court minutes for other cases and the last time was 8/26. They were still not entered in e court. On 9/3, one page was added.

Unlike Johnson who gets paid to waste time and resources in multiple cases filed and then file withdrawls like he did in multiple lawsuits against the City of Eureka, I don't have the luxury to waste time nor the funding to waste like Gomez or any of Johnson's other clients.

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