Aug 17, 2024

19 year old arrested for serious crimes, charged with three misdemeanors by DA


19 year old Sinoe Mariano Sanchez-Johnson was arrested by EPD on January 10 for PC 182(a)(1) conspiracy and PC 245(a)(1) assault with a deadly weapon. Sanchez-Johnson posted bond.

The DA charged him with three misdemeanors. Count 1 PC 245 (a) (4) assault with force likely to produce great bodily injury; Count 2 PC 242 battery and Count 3 PC 415 (1) disturbing the peace fighting. Alleged victim is Alejandro RamirezBurgara Jr.

I have been checking e court for months. The DA finally filed charges on 8/2. Arraignment is scheduled for 8/30. 

8/30: arraigned, PD appointed, Disposition reset on 2/7/25.

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