Aug 20, 2024

Billy gets paid the most, DHHS Director more than the DA and Rexy only a paltry $156, 745.03?


Transparent California salaries from 2023. When 2024 records are available, these numbers will be higher. Maybe that is why Rexy does all that huffing, puffing and running at and near the Courthouse trying to prove how important and popular he is; the rest don't care what anyone thinks. Look at what they get paid vs Rexy.

When I did this post, I had not read the coverage about today's Supervisors meeting. As you read the rest of post which I did later this evening, keep salaries and the paragraph above in mind.

In 2022, Bubba Rex opened his mouth on Fox News about the County letter letter to the San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin and the regional and national backlash was predictable.

After the statement from Boudin's office was shown on Fox News, Rex you said, "I might have gotten the wrong address."

Ryan Burns did a pretty accurate summary of the Nylander Redwood lawsuit when we were in court last Friday. His description of Cyndy-Day Wilson to Stuart Smits' gallery comment was just as we observed. The commenter who said the other two parties had better and well known attorneys is someone who knows what they are talking about as opposed to the usual clueless commenters who didn't even know Ray entered a plea last year because they limit their reading choices to the same one or two sources. That is if they even to bother what LOCO has written. This is why we get Rex elected for his nth term and someone like Bushnell when we could have had an intelligent, classy professional Supervisor like Jeana McClendon. 

Assuming Ryan and LOCO's summary of today's Supervisor's meeting is just as accurate; the video is not available as of 5:34 p.m, instead of being sensible like Fourth District Supervisor Arroyo or listening to Third District Supervisor Mike Wilson's suggestions, Rex doesn't care and mini Rex aka Bushnell lets Rex do what he wants and supports him. Rex is just going to Connie Beck's word. Let's see how that works out. 

(excerpt from LOCO's coverage of today's BOS meeting)

Killjoy Bushnell and Humboldt MAGA good ole boy Rex were the only two to be against tiny homes. It isn't in the interest of their Humboldt developer, millionaire buddies. Kent Sawatzky who was probably there today because he lives for Tuesdays in Humboldt and to comment the full 3 minutes on every topic or others who have time to waste, tons of money and are not affected by Rexy and mini Rex's bad decisions and leaderships are free to watch the video if they dispute LOCO's coverage and take it up with LOCO and Ryan Burns. At least a couple of LOCO commenters on the site called out Rexy and mini-Rex. One insider anon groupie did not even comment on the topic but asked about jail reports proving my point about clueless people who don't read. 

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