Aug 30, 2024

State reimburses Humboldt for temporary repairs done so Rexy and Bushnell's pals could parade around in their hats


County just issued a press release about the State reimbursing for temporary repairs for the Fairgrounds. Will the County and Rex approved local media will spin this as a positive for the County? Will they ask the tough follow up questions? That is like asking will pigs fly?

Humboldt County Public Works Director Tom Mattson just took an entire bottle of Tums before he gets the "calls" saying make this and us look good at the next BOS meeting.

Let's see if the anon commenters on these sites will have anything to say about the past coverage and if they have the guts to call out the Supervisors who approved the million for a temporary fix and how fast the anon County insiders or Fairground insiders or the sycophants respond. 

County Press Release:

On Dec. 20, 2022, a 6.4 magnitude struck Humboldt County. Following the initial earthquake, the county experienced over 200 aftershocks, one of which being a 5.4 magnitude on New Year’s Day 2023 that resulted in a significant increase of reported structural damages. 

The earthquakes that shook Humboldt County caused damage to many structures, including the grandstands at the Humboldt County Fairgrounds in Ferndale.  

In early 2023, a structural engineering inspection determined that the grandstands at the fairgrounds were not safe for public occupancy due to earthquake-related damage. In June 2023 the Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a $1 million financing plan to fund the repairs the grandstands, ensuring they would be safe for the public to enjoy when visiting the fairgrounds. Temporary shoring repairs on the grandstands were completed in August of 2023. These repairs stabilized the grandstands to an acceptable safety level for public occupancy while permanent repairs are designed and implemented.

Costs accrued for repairs to earthquake-related damages to the grandstands were submitted to the state as part of the reimbursement process, and the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) recently reimbursed the county just over $836,200 for the majority of costs for initial earthquake-related repairs made to the grandstands. This reduces the county’s contribution for the temporary grandstand repairs to approximately $164,000. The $836,200 that was reimbursed to the county can now be used for other priority capital infrastructure repair or replacement projects.

Immediate results in long-term disaster recovery are challenging to achieve and the Humboldt County Department of Public Works continues to work in partnership with Humboldt County Fair Board and Cal OES to determine the best course of action for implementing permanent repairs to the grandstands and other buildings at the fairgrounds that were damaged by the earthquake.

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