Aug 28, 2024

DA amends charges and James Atkins hires LA attorney


In my July 22 post on attempted murder suspect James Atkins, I reported that the court unable to secure adequate number of jurors and trial was continued. Atkins was  admonished by Retired Judge John Feeney had to be removed from the courtroom. Trial dates were rescheduled. Atkins said he was going to hire a LA attorney. Mr. Anthony Tall appeared in court on 8/26 for Atkins. Ms. Andrea Sullivan was relieved. A readiness conference is scheduled for 9/10. Deputy District Attorney Roger Rees motion for first amended information was granted. With a new attorney and amended information while dates haven't been reshuffled yet; they will be. More waiting to see if this goes to trial and we hear about the DA's kill zone theory or the case resolves.

9/10: Readiness Conference continued to 9/17. Jury still scheduled for 9/23. DA did not waive written motion for defense motion to continue.

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