Aug 14, 2024

Saw local attorney Callie Buck at the courthouse yesterday and she told me about her plea agreement for her criminal cases


Yesterday, I was at the courthouse and saw two women and the older lady made a comment, "Isn't that...who was here th other day?" A few minutes later around 3:30, the younger woman asked,,"Are you Mr. Chiv?" I said, "Yes." She said, "I am Callie Buck and I wanted to introduce myself to you..

Buck is a former local attorney. The State Bar had suspended her license. In my July 12, post,I reported the DA finally filed charges for 2023 attack on her husband and she now has 4 cases including a civil case.

Buck looks healthy. Very different than her booking photos. Buck's civil case has a hearing on 8/19 and her three criminal cases are scheduled for a 9/4 court date.

Buck told me that she had just signed a plea agreement and that the date may not be in court records yet but a change of plea is scheduled for 8/23. It is not final until a judge accepts the plea.

She said, "I am hoping to settle another matter." 

"The civil case, " I asked. She said yes. Buck was very pleasant  I overheard talking to her attorney while I was waiting on jury deliberations in the Mason case and checking a few court records. She was pleasant, respectful to me. Very grateful to her attorney. Her license is now active. Looks like she has support of her family. Hopefully, once these cases are resolved, she can start a new chapter in her life.

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