Aug 28, 2024

36 years of a local business that served this community well, more retirement and closures to follow


Two years ago, I did this post. Two years later, the future of Best Dry Cleaners and their employees is uncertain.

Phil Kurtz hasn't sold the business. I spoke with him months after the post. From the community, I know he had offers but it is his business and his choice whether to accept them.

The sign at 7th and E says after 36 years Best Dry Cleaners is joining with Norman's Dry Cleaner for dry cleaning services, laundromat and wash fold services won't be affected.

While the laundromat at 7th and E is open, some equipment next door where wash and fold and dry cleaning services were provided has been sold. Half the place is empty. Today, manager Amy was finishing up some wash and fold orders. There was no other staff there. Someone from a work crew was talking on the phone. 

Best Dry Cleaners was clean and had the best customer service. Consolidation with another local business for some services is good; but the loss of employees and uncertainty is obvious. Phil wasn't there. The van parked outside was not there and the parking lot was not full. This was Phil's choice because he was ready to retire.

From private conversations with other owners, more long term local businesses supported and liked by this community will be sold and the owners will retire in the next few months. In some cases, it is not just the economy but being screwed over by other unscrupulous locals who couldn't pay their bills and ran their businesses into the ground. That may not make it in the announcement of final closures but when I report on court cases you don't read about anywhere else; when I call out elected officials or bring attention to the struggles of Humboldt; it affects many lives. I just happen to be the person voicing how they feel.

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