Aug 7, 2024

Nice, respectful readers get rewarded. I kept my promise to you about the Lila Ortega update


Lila Ortega's name first appeared on this blog as Kyle Zoellner's girlfriend and in my coverage of the David Josiah Lawson case in 2017  In 2018, I reported on her arrest for a DUI and possession of meth case. I  reported on that case through 2019.

On July 31, I received this email. I have cropped the email address to protect the person's identity.

I responded right away.

To say I am busy is an understatement. It is always non stop 24/7. This regular reader was so nice and patient that I made a point of spending time on a busy day, following up and got detailed court records on Ortega's case. Notice all the hard work and specifics that reader provided and was understanding if I couldn't respond. Ortega resolved her case before trial. Her commit to jail date is 9/14/24. 

I did this one exception for this regular reader and shared part of our communication and I had my reasons to put in the extra time for the Ortega update. This does not mean I want to be flooded with requests for free one on one updates. There is plenty of free content on the blog with no requirements and no paywall. If you want extra and one on one requests, you can advertise or be a donor. Those are the people who respect me and value me and offer without asking. They are also the least demanding people. They also support me with valid news tips, mention me and patronize my advertisers and other businesses I feature.

Related posts (2019 case):

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