Aug 2, 2024

In the Redwood Meat saga, the real story other local media left out is that Humboldt Auction deal to buy it fell through and Ray Christie is interested in the business

(Redwood Meat actual address)

(incorrect address on LOCO)

The moment I saw the Redwood Meats story in Lost Coast Outpost which as usual then appeared in other media which hardly covers lawsuits or original content unless they are given a "tip" by stakeholders who know the the coverage will be skewed and spun to what they want out there and relevant news ignored. 

Emotions run high, there is competition between local ranchers, farmers, those involved in the cattle industry. There is a lot more to this sale and who will end up buying it and local power grab and politics then what is being reported by other local media. I know actual investigation is an anathema to these media outlets but don't they have the ear and access to Rexy and Bushnell, the two supervisors who are in with the ranchers and farmers?

Earlier this week, I unexpectedly ran into Ray Christie. He kept trying to get me to do pursue sale of Redwood Meat and what was not being reported. As usual, Ray left out the why and didn't give me any leads or information to pursue. Well, Ray, I did follow through on your request. So if you are mad at what I found out, blame yourself.

I won't get into the Nylander family drama and some confidential information that is tragic and all what led to the sale of this local, established business. With Cyndy Day-Wilson filing yet another lawsuit to grab headlines, my sympathies to Judge Timothy Canning for the bs and slop he will have to read through for months. 

The part not reported anywhere else is that Humboldt Auction Yard tried to buy Redwood Meats and the deal fell through. Ray Christie is interesting in buying it. Google the coverage I did on Humboldt Auction Yard while I was covering Ray Christie's criminal case. My readers are smart. They will see why.

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