Jan 10, 2024

Local attorney Victor Campos held to answer for operating a drug house




On 1/8/24, preliminary hearing finally proceeded for local attorney Victor Campos and his co-defendant Kyle Cross. Campos was held to answer as charged by Judge Steven Steward. Cross was also held to answer except for Count 3. Arraignment on information is on 1/24.

Deputy District Attorney Ian Harris is the prosecutor. Campos is represented by Deputy Public Defender David Nims. Cross' attorney is Deputy Conflict Counsel Zack Curtis.

1/24 : Campos and Cross arraigned. Trial confirmation is on 5/14; jury trial on 5/28.

4/24: Defense motion to continue granted. The 5/14 date is pre trial; trial confirmation on 7/22 and jury trial on 8/5. I was told by someone who knows Victor Campos that he has been evicted from his home office on 5th street near the courthouse.

5/14: Trial confirmation and jury trial dates remain as scheduled.

7/22: Trial assignment on 8/2; jury trial on 8/5. 

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