Jan 9, 2024

For those who questioned Virginia switching parties, will you hold Kreis to the same standard?



People and other media made a big deal in the past about former Fourth District Supervisor Virginia Bass switching party affiliation and questioned the no party preferences for other candidates. In the recent years, some of those same people and "media" are treating the same candidates they used to criticize differently. I could care less about someone's registration; what matters to me is character, consistentcy and actions.

This week and next week HCDCC and the unions are supposed to make some decisions. I will be watching to see if they are all talk or they believe in democracy and truly are for the people.

The information about First District Supervisor candidates will not surprise anyone. When it comes to judicial candidates, people should pay attention to Kreis' registration for this election as well as who his endorsers are for this race. 

This information is from Humboldt County Elections in response to my media inquiry about these two specific races.

Humboldt Superior Court Judge:

Gregory Kreis – No Party Preference

April Van Dyke - Democratic

First District Supervisor:

Rex Bohn – No Party Preference

Gordon Clatworthy - Democratic

Gerald McGuire -No Party Preference

Kreis when he was appointed as a judge was a Democrat. It is not just that he changed his party preference. It is who is endorsing him and how these new alliances will increase the existing imbalance and give more power to those who exemplify absolute power corrupts.

So when did Kreis who I have seen and observed when he an attorney and whose views I am familiar with become so appealing to the good ole boys and gals on the local right? I know why the good ole boys and gals on the left have always supported him.

I don't want a judge who is a part of the good ole boy crowd like Kreis. I want a judge who treats all people fairly and realizes the disparity in the Humboldt Superior Court system. I am not going to link all the posts I have done about Kreis. Most readers and the community know and pay attention. I dont want a judge like Kreis who cavorts with public defenders and others, drinking party and embarassing Humboldt. I dont want a Judge who wont be upfront about the nature of his relationship and why his address is the same as Humboldt self help attorney Tanya Ellis. Kreis and dismisses his relationship with public defenders, local attorneys who endorse him including Mel Pearlston of Marci Kitchen "fame."

This is not my opinion inactive attorney Steve Rosenberg; these are facts. I noticed you shut up after you got called out.


Kreis' endorsements include a lot of names good ole boys and gals from the local left and right. Who cares what a bunch of Sacramento bureaucrats and unnamed judges think about Kreis and some award that besides Kreis' claim cannot be accessed on the California Judges Association? Can non judges and the public create an account on that site?

In previous posts, I have linked various articles and links about the lack of California courts to hold themselves accountable. Google California, courts, accountability and corruption and see what you come up with? 

Kreis released a grand jury report in an election year that benefitted Rex Bohn and those in the County trying to get rid of former auditor Karen Paz Dominguez. Rex and Billy Honsal endorsed Kreis. Why is Leslie Castellano one of his endorsers? When Kreis was appointed, he was a Democrat, now he has a lot of good ole boy Republicans and conservatives as his endorsers.

Kreis initially ruled against Ray Christie. Then Christie walks away with a plea deal that is a joke, his lawyers seemed pretty chummy with Kreis at the hearing before the deal was done in a closed courtroom scheduled as an intervention with no notice to the media or public that a plea deal would be entered and Christie would be sentenced. One of Christie's lawyers knew Kreis lawyer, Mr. Patrik Griego from Los Angeles. 

Griego and his firm represented good ole boy Rick Littlefield who got away with five DUIS and also represented Brett Watson.  Guess where Eureka Natural Foods advertises? Guess who didn't cover Rick Littlefield's DUIs? 

More people are hiring lawyers from other counties besides Humboldt, including LA, because they know how Humboldt injustice works. Didn't I say this would happen years ago? The same local "media" who ignored the Kailan Meserve case except when I asked them to at least show up for sentencing.

 Now Christie's lawyers represent good ole boy Domingo Santos.  Last I knew, this LA lawyer firm wasn't so keen on the way Humboldt Superior Court. The Ray Christie case isn't over. Stay tuned for more on that case in the near future. 

These are just some of the posts addressing his endorsements and other relevant information to voters.






Do you want Rex and Kreis to get absolute power after this election, they pretty much already have it now. 

Being an outsider is good. It is what Humboldt County needs because it is time different people are in charge. The ones for decades haven't done anything except for their own pocketbooks and their small circle of friends. 

What has the other local media done besides take Rex and Kreis' ad money and do absolutely no reporting and investigating in the last election season or this election season besides some basic information you can look up on the election website yourself. Oh yeah, the other media did run County points against Paz Dominguez in the last election.

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