Jan 27, 2024

All the good ole boy endorsements and all the dirty stleath tactics can't change what voters know about Humco's little Napolean



(comments on RHBB regarding Kreis' latest endorsements press release)

Kreis sent out a press release about some endorsements today and it backfired. 

That campaign has not sent any press release to me just like Rex Bohn, Michelle Bushnell and Mike Wilson. The local media they advertise with does selective coverage. I don't. These candidates play favorites. I don't. More space for news people actually want to read. 

Kreis' press release was posted on RHBB today at 12 a.m., only 8 comments so far. 7 of them against Little Napolean Kreis. Even the one comment from a person who is obviously  an insider and conservative trying to promote the dirty tactic of calling his challenger "woke" was an insult to Kreis. That person will "reluctantly vote for Kreis." To that person, obviously morals, characters and justice don't matter to you.

It is obvious who voters believe and what voters read. From the majority of comments it is obvious anyone with their eyes open and familiar with Humboldt courts knows Kreis. Hopefully, all the people whose lives Kreis has ruined will outnumber his circle of insiders who financially benefit from this bufoon staying as a judge.

Justsayin and I actually agree on something and justsayin used the pic of Humpty Dumpty Kreis that I like to use as often as possible. Kreis's fellow judge from a neighboring small County dismissed and ruled in favor of his co-defendants which includes buddy Luke for a motion summary judgement; Kreis can pay and settle a lawsuit which then gets dismissed but people and jurors do not forget how Kreis treated them in a courtroom. The corruption and influence of money and who you are is playing out on a national level so blatantly that it isn't even a secret that there are different tiers of justice.

Rex Bohn and Billy Honsal's endorsements and all the places Kreis is advertising did not make Larry Doss or others win. The Commission on Judicial Performance fails the people of Humboldt every day the agency remains silent.

Anyone who believes in justice, being treated fairly and wants to restore dignity to the Humboldt bench will vote for the only person brave enough to challenge Kreis. Many have endorsed him for various reasons but many of them privately hope he fails. I have talked with quite a few of Kreis' endorsers.

I am sure his anon minions, insiders and lawyer buddies from Humco courts will run over to RHBB now to post and probably attack me with the same unsubstantiated unoriginal insults they have used for decades and months. 

And it didn't take long for the first predictable attack. 

If these trolls really believed what they type, they would leave me alone. By attacking me, they admit I am effective. The more they bad mouth me privately or anonymously, the more support they send my way.

In this comment attacking me not one fact or evidence to refute because they know they can't argue with the court records and documents and if they used their names,  it would reveal their motivations and agendas. 

For my #1 fan who is obsessed with commenting me, please keep attacking me. Every time you do, more views for me and yet another vote against your boy Kreis.  What I say triggers you and anyone else attacking me because you see yourself being described. Gaslighters, narcissists, good ole boys, bullies attack when they are called out. Financially destroying others and demeaning others is what you good ole Humboldt boys and gals have done for decades.  Instead of making amends and apologizing, you huff and puff because you are scared. No one stays in control or has power forever. Your fear is obvious and your attempts to silence others pathetic, just like you.

There is not a day that goes when several people ask me something similar to, "Kreis is he the (fill in expletive of choice) who pushed that lawyer off the boat? " or "I will not be voting for that (fill in expletive) Kreis." I am out there walking and people talk to me all the time. They know me, they read my blog, they also pay attention to news and read various sources. Many have their own stories to tell about experiences with Kreis. He can't just talk and deflect his way with people who have suffered from his ego and ineptness. Not all voters will reveal how they feel to Kreis or his surrogates.

Regular people also have their own opinions about Kreis' endorsers Rex, Billy and others. Most people have no idea who many of his endorsers are. The local lawyer crowd lives in their own bubble. They need to remember regardless of who may win this election; they have to pay their bills. The voters, jurors and people not in the courthouse clique have long memories of their time in court, the criminal justice system or at the courthouse. So, those who want to hitch their wagon to Kreis, go ahead. Political alliances are tenuous. 

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