Aug 30, 2024

California Housing Defense sent a letter to the City of Eureka today about potential legal and financial consequences of Measure F


Zephyr Hospitality and Nicole Fryer acquire Humboldt Bay Social Club and Social Spas

(Image: Humboldt Bay Social Club)

Jon O'Connor is transferring ownership of  Humboldt Bay Social Club and Social Spas to Nicole Fryer. There will be a ribbon cutting on October 5.

The Scotia Inn and Oyster Beach are still for sale and Jon is still operating them. Nicole is the co-founder of Social Spas and will continue to collaborate with Jon and those properties.

I have kept in touch with Jon regularly and spoke with him a few minutes ago and was able to get this exclusive news today. More details in the press release today.

Felons arrested on meth, firearm and probation charges



Apparently Joshua Hoisington and Deana Russell believe being a couple means being partners in crime? Who is going to snitch first for a better deal or will they stand by each other? Humboldt dating that gets you three hots and a cot.

State reimburses Humboldt for temporary repairs done so Rexy and Bushnell's pals could parade around in their hats


County just issued a press release about the State reimbursing for temporary repairs for the Fairgrounds. Will the County and Rex approved local media will spin this as a positive for the County? Will they ask the tough follow up questions? That is like asking will pigs fly?

Humboldt County Public Works Director Tom Mattson just took an entire bottle of Tums before he gets the "calls" saying make this and us look good at the next BOS meeting.

Let's see if the anon commenters on these sites will have anything to say about the past coverage and if they have the guts to call out the Supervisors who approved the million for a temporary fix and how fast the anon County insiders or Fairground insiders or the sycophants respond. 

Martha Quam arrested by EPD for physical child abuse and domestic battery

Martha Katherine Quam arrested by EPD yesterday for PC 273d (a) physical child abuse and PC 243 (e) (1) domestic battery. 

Quam aka Martha Katherine Kearon was arraigned on 9/3. Public Defender was appointed, criminal protective order filed and served in court, $20,000 bail. OR bail on 9/5; trial confirmation on 9/18; jury trial on 9/23.

She has a 2010 in a DUI case. In her 2020 divorce case against Mark Kearon there was a dismissal in 2022 of the restraining order, she was represented by Callie Buck.  Gregory Kreis ousted by the voters and a former judge was assigned to this family law case.

Aug 29, 2024

Hung jury in Shane Campbell aka Juggalo aka Little Red's trial


Another hung jury where a juror is replaced last minute by an alternate the day before the jury deadlocks. The split was 11-1 for guilt.  One hold out. I know who that juror is because I heard him talking to defense. From his comments, he has no clue about the law. Was he upfront during voir dire? I doubt it.

36 year old Shane Campbell has 3 open cases. A search in e court brings up 32 cases. Since his booking photo was taken, most recently on July 23, Campbell now has a beard. His aliases are Juggalo and Little Red. I get the last one because of his hair color and dimunitive stature.

Convicted sex offender Hudson Jack placed on two years probation


Convicted sex offender Hudson Jack was originally charged  with forcible rape. He resolved his case with a plea to false imprisonment and sexual penetration of an intoxicated victim. Last week, he failed to appear for sentencing. He was finally sentenced yesterday by Judge Kaleb Cockrum and placed on two years probation.

Deputy DA Carolyn Schaffer is the prosecutor for this case. Jack's attorney is Deputy Public Defender David Celli.

One deputy DA says deal, other deputy DA says no deal to Callie Buck


Callie Buck has three DUI cases. Her change of plea has run into a hitch. Two of her cases were not on calendar. According to court minutes, Deputy Public Defender Ryan McClurg made the deal with Deputy DA Deputy Alison Herson.  Most recent hire  Deputy DA Stuart Williams does not approve this deal. All three cases are on for trial setting on 9/4.

I just did two posts on 8/14 and 8/25 on her cases with more details and background. 

Grand opening today at the Eureka Visitor Center today


(Image: City of Eureka)

On August 15, the City of Eureka sent out information that that the Eureka Visitor Center has officially been designated as a Visit California Welcome  Center. This afternoon is the grand opening and it is an invitation only event.

If you read my earlier post, you won't be surprised The Grind last day is tomorrow

On August 5, I did a post that the cafe on the third floor of the courthouse would be opening again and that it would be operated by Gabrielle Long the owner of Taste of Bim, The Grind and the cafe at the airport and Tasty Hub. I also said the Grind would be closing by the end of August.

Tomorrow is the last day the Grind is open. People at the courthouse, many of who frequent The Grind already know. 

When you read the court posts today or check previous posts where I will add updates, next time you are at the courthouse thank Scott or the court staff because they rarely get recognized for the thankless hard work they do daily

Before any other news or posts about court cases, I want to thank Humboldt Superior Court Operations Assistant Manager Scott Anderson. I did mention him in a post earlier this month but in the last two days, he promptly responded to my concerns about court minutes, addressed the issue and is following up. 

I have written many times of the challenges of reporting in a small county including getting court minutes or information and responses. And there were some today because that is just the chaotic nature of a smaller court operating in a rural county. So, it is equally important to mention and recognize professionalism, prompt responses and efficiency. 

Scott has a lot to juggle, especially early in the morning. I do too to get you the court coverage many of you appreciate. When you read the court posts today or check previous posts where I will add updates, next time you are at the courthouse thank Scott or the court staff because they rarely get recognized for the thankless hard work they do daily. I do appreciate the thanks from my regular readers but I couldn't do what I do without the court staff, the PIOs, the City staff and the County staff. And, I don't take them for granted.

Aug 28, 2024

Don't want to end up on the jail log this weekend or pay fines and to a DUI lawyer, then listen to EPD and CHP


EPD is conducting a DUI checkpoint today. CHP is doing maximum enforcement Friday to Monday. Don't want to end up on the jail log this weekend or pay thousands in fines and to a DUI lawyer, then listen to EPD and CHP.

DA amends charges and James Atkins hires LA attorney


In my July 22 post on attempted murder suspect James Atkins, I reported that the court unable to secure adequate number of jurors and trial was continued. Atkins was  admonished by Retired Judge John Feeney had to be removed from the courtroom. Trial dates were rescheduled. Atkins said he was going to hire a LA attorney. Mr. Anthony Tall appeared in court on 8/26 for Atkins. Ms. Andrea Sullivan was relieved. A readiness conference is scheduled for 9/10. Deputy District Attorney Roger Rees motion for first amended information was granted. With a new attorney and amended information while dates haven't been reshuffled yet; they will be. More waiting to see if this goes to trial and we hear about the DA's kill zone theory or the case resolves.

36 years of a local business that served this community well, more retirement and closures to follow


Two years ago, I did this post. Two years later, the future of Best Dry Cleaners and their employees is uncertain.

Phil Kurtz hasn't sold the business. I spoke with him months after the post. From the community, I know he had offers but it is his business and his choice whether to accept them.

The sign at 7th and E says after 36 years Best Dry Cleaners is joining with Norman's Dry Cleaner for dry cleaning services, laundromat and wash fold services won't be affected.

While the laundromat at 7th and E is open, some equipment next door where wash and fold and dry cleaning services were provided has been sold. Half the place is empty. Today, manager Amy was finishing up some wash and fold orders. There was no other staff there. Someone from a work crew was talking on the phone. 

Best Dry Cleaners was clean and had the best customer service. Consolidation with another local business for some services is good; but the loss of employees and uncertainty is obvious. Phil wasn't there. The van parked outside was not there and the parking lot was not full. This was Phil's choice because he was ready to retire.

From private conversations with other owners, more long term local businesses supported and liked by this community will be sold and the owners will retire in the next few months. In some cases, it is not just the economy but being screwed over by other unscrupulous locals who couldn't pay their bills and ran their businesses into the ground. That may not make it in the announcement of final closures but when I report on court cases you don't read about anywhere else; when I call out elected officials or bring attention to the struggles of Humboldt; it affects many lives. I just happen to be the person voicing how they feel.

Aug 26, 2024

Jason Brisendine is fighting a ticket for failure to stop a red light with a court trial


Jason Brisendine failed in his attempt to unseat U.S. Representative Jared Huffman last year. Since then, he has kept a low profile. At some point, restricted his Facebook page. I saw his name on the court calendar for a 2024 traffic case filed by the Fortuna Police Department. The charge is VC 21453 (a) failure to stop at a red light. The citation from FPD Officer Logan Mitchell says the vehicle is registered to Susan Bridendine. 

A court trial was scheduled for this afternoon. Brisendine was acquitted by Retired Judge Christopher Wilson. 

Foot Logic owner's arraignment unlikely today, if he is released from custody, who dropped the ball?


Foot Logic owner Jianzhao Dong was arrested on 8/22 and booked on a no bail hold. He is on the must go list for 8/26 which means he needs to be arraigned or he will be released from custody. I checked e court this morning. At 1:58, I checked with the DA's office, they did not have a report yet which they need to charge someone. 

On 8/27, Dong is still on the must go list. I have not seen someone on the must go list on two consecutive days. DA must have received the report after the post. A complaint was filed with 4 felony counts. Ct 1 & 2 PC 289 (a) 1 (a) forcible sexual penetration with a foreign object. Ct 3 & 4 PC 243.4 (c) sexual battery by fraudulent representation.

Dong was arraigned on 8/27. Deputy DA Candace Myers appeared on behalf of the People for arraignment. Dong has retained former DA Paul Gallegos, Visiting Judge Richard Kalustian changed bail to $50,000, time was not waived, criminal protective order for both alleged victim 1 &2 served in court. A Mandarin interpreter was on the court line. OR/bail hearing on 8/30; preliminary hearing on 9/10.

Defense wants mental health diversion for alleged criminal threats and hate crime suspect


At trial confirmation for criminal and hate crime suspect Daniel Epperson on 8/22, Petition for mental health diversion filed by defense which was originally calendared for 8/29 was vacated and rescheduled for 8/30. The alleged victims in are Lee Ulansey and Joshua Ulansey.

Aug 25, 2024

US DOJ, CA and 7 other bipartisan state AGs sue Real Page "for enabling landlords to artificially raise rent."


California Attorney General Rob Bonta, U.S. Department of Justice and the attorneys general of Colorado, Connecticut, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oregon, Tennessee, and Washington filed an antitrust lawsuit last week against RealPage, revenue management software company "for enabling landlords to artificially raise rent."

Filing in Kreis' family law case refers to his new wife, requests sanctions against Kreis and attorney fees


The Judicial Settlement Conference scheduled in Gregory Kreis and Brenda Elvine for 8/26 has been rescheduled for 9/6. Since my post on August 14, another document was filed by Elvine's attorney on 8/21. In his declaration, Mr. David Lederman's requests include Elvine asking for $10,000 in sanctions against Kreis and an additional $15,000 for needs-based attorney's fees and costs. There are more details in Lederman's filing about why sanctions and fees should be granted including claims of "obstreperous and unreasonable conduct" by Kreis and failure to comply with ex-parte rules and a reference to Kreis' new wife who is not named in the document. Based on previous photographs, prior coverage, a photo of Kreis and Humboldt Superior Court's self help attorney Tanya Ellis, Kreis and Ellis living in the same house and several people saying they are married; a reasonable conclusion would be Lederman is referring to Ellis and her $11, 200 monthly salary.

When I last checked e court nothing had been filed by Kreis. I checked again on 8/26 and 8/27.  If he files a response to Mr. Lederman's declaration; if and when such document is available; I will add it to this post.

Kreis settled with the Commission on Judicial Performance. He settled with former Humboldt Deputy Public Defender Rory Kalin.

On 8/26, I received this comment about this post from a top, experienced California attorney. There are many in the legal field who regularly read my blog all over California and the nation. This attorney is well versed and well connected with the CJP, the State Bar, has practiced in courts all over California and has influential political and business connections. Throughout my coverage of Kreis including the CJP proceedings, this attorney's analysis and predictions were accurate and I respect the feedback. 

"Great work. Kreis can claim he is impecunious but it is standard fare that the income of a co-habitant is imputed on to the family law litigant. "

Michelle Smith files for dismissal of her lawsuit against Callie Buck, change of plea in criminal case scheduled just as Buck told me earlier this month


I just did a post on August 14 about local attorney Callie Buck and some court records and filings confirm what she told me about her criminal cases and civil lawsuit. 

A Case Management conference was scheduled on 8/19 in the lawsuit Michelle Smith filed against Buck. Court minutes for 8/19 were not available and I checked again on 8/26 but no future dates are scheduled. Smith has requested a dismissal without prejudice. According to e court, the dismissal was granted in full. Buck had told me she was hoping for a settlement. 

Regarding her criminal case, there is a change of plea scheduled just like Buck told me except the date is 8/28. That is in one of her three criminal cases; the one with three DUI counts. All three cases are still scheduled for trial setting on 9/4.

The last post and prior coverage on her case has been widely read and all those people know the details and background of the cases. Court minutes, future updates including the outcome of any plea agreement will be added to this post. The plea has to be accepted by the court to be final.

Aug 24, 2024

Which County employee are the BOS meeting about in closed session?


On 8/27, under closed session items, there are three existing litigations. I have previously reported on CV2301390 the lawsuit filed by former court reporter Kay Marie Gibbs against the County of Humboldt. She is represented by Mr. Patrik Griego. 
County is represented by Liebert Cassidy Whitmore, a Fresno law firm.

After Del Norte Superior Judge Darren McElfresh ruling in June, I checked the case for a while and there were no new filings. There were two documents filed on 7/8 and 7/15 and a second amended complaint filed on 7/25. 

I followed up with Mr. Griego. He told me, "The County’s attorney filed a motion asking for more time to respond to the complaint. They have the chance to demurrer again or simply file an answer." The County motion has not been entered in e court. It was filed on 8/27 after this post was published and is now included in the post. 

The more interesting item under closed session is item 4 . The Supervisors will consider discipline, dismissal or release of a public employee.

Alleged molestor Robert Johnson held to answer on all charges


Alleged molestor Robert  Johnson was arrested by Fortuna Police Department on a Ramey warrant on August 7. 

The DA charged Johnson with four felony counts of PC 288.7 (b) oral copulation or sexual penetration with a child 10 years of younger. Count 1 involves an alleged incident with Jane Doe 1 in Johnson's bedroom.; Count 2 alleged incident with Jane Doe 1 on the couch in the living room; Count 3 alleged incident with Jane Doe 1 in Jane Doe 2 and Michael's bedroom and alleged victim in Count 4 is Jane Doe 2.

No arrest, just two experienced EPD officers keeping the community safe

 Officers Andrew Endsley and Heinrich Soltow outside IHOP. They were just finishing up with this situation and I heard dispatch sending them to other calls.  Few minutes later, I saw Sgt. Ryan Swanson on patrol driving near 5th and F. All three long term, experienced EPD employees who make Eureka safe every day.

Aug 23, 2024

58 year old Eureka massage parlor owner arrested by EPD for sexual battery and forcible penetration with a foreign object

EPD just issued a press release on the arrest of 58 year old Jianzhao Dong. PC 289 is forcible sexual penetration with a foreign object. I added that one word to the press release regarding that charge. I confirmed Dong is booked on a no bail hold. 

Foot Logic is located on 315 F Street. It looks closed. While people on social media have been commenting that Dong is the owner, I confirmed with the City of Eureka Finance Department that Dong is the owner and the permit has been revoked.

DANCO restraining order against Aunna Bollman makes it her third one; she will be transported to the State Hospital for her 10 criminal cases


Aunna Bollman already has two  three year restraining orders granted against her which were requested by the County of Humboldt and City of Fortuna. In her 10 criminal cases, proceedings were suspended and she was found not competent to stand trial. On 8/8, court orders were issued to commit to Bollman to the state hospital. Confirmation of 9/5 is scheduled on 9/5. On 8/21, Commissioner Sarah Kaber granted DANCO's request for a workplace violence restraining order for 3 years.

The State Hospital will send her back in a few months saying competency restored and the cycle will rinse and repeat.

Convicted felon Jackson Parrott arrested again by HCSO for the same charges


Convicted felon Jackson Parrott had an outstanding warrant. HCSO arrested him yesterday for probation violation, firearm charges and possession of meth. He was arrested for the same charges by HCSO in 2023. I reported previously that he lost his appeal against EPD for a 2015 case. 

10 days in jail, one count dismissed for Andrea Hopkinson's second DUI case


Trial confirmation was scheduled for Andrea Hopkinson on 8/21. When I checked on her case that day, I saw that she had resolved her 2024 case on 8/1 with a plea and had been sentenced before her jury trial which was scheduled to start Monday. The 2024 case was Hopkinson's second DUI case. She has a prior DUI conviction from 2021. 

Hopkinson pleaded guilty to Count 2 VC 23152 (b) driving with BAC above the legal limit within 10 years of another DUI offense. Count 1 VC 23152 (a) driving under the influence of alcohol within 10 years of another DUI offense was dismissed. She was sentenced by Judge Lawrence Killoran to 10 days in jail with credit for 1 day served. Commit to jail date is 9/14.

Deputy DA Andrew Truitt is the prosecutor for this case. Mr. Patrik Griego is Hopkinson's attorney.

So Measure F is only housing for working families?


Measure F is for families and creating more housing for working families according to their latest Facebook ad. These are just two screenshots from that ad with very boring music. I guess if you are single and working, Measure F proponents don't care if you have housing or affordable housing. 

That is how this ad comes across.

Who approved this ad for Eureka Housing For All? Did EHA consult with "childless cat ladies" JD Vance on their PR strategy?

Just like the Trump campaign and his affiliates who keep spamming my inbox despite numerous attempts to unsubscribe and trying to block their emails, Meta ignores requests not to see certain ads which include EHA.

Witness unavailability and outstanding discovery causes delay in Root Birimisa's preliminary hearing


On 8/20,  there was an oral motion by DA to continue alleged molestor Root Birimisa's  preliminary hearing due to witness unavailability and outstanding discovery. Defense waived written notice and joined in DA's request. By stipulation,  the preliminary hearing was rescheduled for 10/2.

Forcible rape suspect fails to appear in court for sentencing

Forcible rape suspect Hudson Jack's 2022 case was going to include testimony from defense expert and witnesses out of the area. Time estimate for the trial was 3 weeks and it was assigned to Judge Kaleb Cockrum.

Instead Hudson resolved his case. On July 22, I reported on Hudson's conditional plea. Hudson pleaded guilty to lesser charge Count 5 PC 236 false imprisonment as a felony and Count 6 PC 289 (e) sexual penetration of an intoxicated victim as a misdemeanor. Rest of the charges dismissed. Agreement was no additional jail time and registration as a sex offender for 10 years. 

Sentencing was scheduled on 8/20. It wascontinued to 8/28 by defense because Hudson had car trouble and failed to appear in court. DA request for bench warrant was denied by Judge Kaleb Cockrum.

Aug 21, 2024

No cars but a lot of work crew at Mariposas Project


I pass by this building often but today was the first time in a few days I noticed more activity and the  boarding up of windows and the crew on the roof. The phone is working but I see no cars other than the work crew. The website says they are open. I called and there was no information on voicemail. Rather than leave a lengthy message, I reached out via email to ask if they were open and what was going on with the work crew and wooden boards?

The last time I saw windows boarded up and a work crew was at a building across the street. The guy spraying outside Boyds and Redwood Curtain Taproom could just be a coincidence.

8/28: No response from Mariposa. Took this photo of a Danco truck and a Sunbelt Rental construction forklift with the building now cordoned off with tape.

Aug 20, 2024

Humboldt Bay Fire response to boat fire at the Eureka Marina shows how fortunate we are to have such an agency who cares about life, safety and the environment

At 0859 hrs on August 20, 2024, Humboldt Bay Fire responded to a reported Boat Fire at 1 Marina Way at the Eureka Public Marina. Humboldt Bay Fire responded with one Ladder Truck, three Engines and one Chief Officer. The first arriving unit found black smoke coming from the boat. 

Billy gets paid the most, DHHS Director more than the DA and Rexy only a paltry $156, 745.03?


Transparent California salaries from 2023. When 2024 records are available, these numbers will be higher. Maybe that is why Rexy does all that huffing, puffing and running at and near the Courthouse trying to prove how important and popular he is; the rest don't care what anyone thinks. Look at what they get paid vs Rexy.

When I did this post, I had not read the coverage about today's Supervisors meeting. As you read the rest of post which I did later this evening, keep salaries and the paragraph above in mind.