Sep 28, 2023

Brittany, I knew this day would come and it is a huge loss for EPD and the media


One of my favorite PIOS is EPD Crime Analyst Brittany Powell. I knew a day would come that she would no longer be at EPD. I am happy for her. Sad for EPD and the media. Brittany is very skilled and I do know from speaking to a few EPD police chiefs that they realized how lucky they were to have her. Current EPD Chief Todd Jarvis agrees.  I have added his remarks about Brittany and the future of this PIO position.

Brittany has accepted a new job with the City and her last day with EPD is October 6th. She has passed on PIO duties over to EPD Assistant Chief Brian Stephens so that she can wrap up other tasks during her last week.

People move on to different career opportunities but when it comes to someone in the courts or Eureka Police Department, that change impacts me personally and professionally. Many people I enjoyed working with and seeing at EPD are no longer with the department. At least, I get to see those who still stay in Humboldt.

Covering courts and crime, there are two PIOs who I think are irreplaceable. Brittany at EPD and HCSO PIO Samantha Karges. I have prepared myself for the same day with Samantha. All I can say is whoever EPD hires to take over Brittany's position has big shoes to fill.

I have contacted EPD Chief Todd Jarvis and Asst Chief Stephens and asked if they intend to fill the PIO position. I added, "Appreciate Asst Chief Stephens but he has other responsibilities. For media to do our jobs, having a dedicated PIO is crucial. My focus is Eureka. In my opinion, no one can replace Brittany, her prompt response and professionalism and talent."

"I agree, Brittany has done a good job as the designated PIO.  I also support her desire to gain varied experiences in the City of Eureka workforce as she hopefully has a long career yet ahead of her.  With that being said, we will be working to either hire, or identify an existing employee, who we can train as a PIO. This is an important professional role and not one that I will fill just to have a seat occupied. We will get the right person in place as soon as practicable. In the meantime, the assistant chief will handle the majority of the duties and we will assign people to assist him if need be. As I have offered before, my phone is always on and I know the assistant chief is also very responsive.  I would appreciate your understanding as we get someone else up to speed, and I feel confident we can get you the information you need to conduct your business as we transition."

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