Feb 1, 2022

Hey growers, the BOS hasn't gone to Gavin or Sacramento for anyone else either

Huckleberry Farms' owner said Humboldt is the Napa Valley of cannabis. He said "I did my time" and am not bitter. His remarks say otherwise.

This Napa Valley of cannabis bs is a line that worked when you had no competition. The rest of California and the country is growing weed and doing just fine.

Said he was sad Second District Supervisor Michelle Bushnell who "supports 85% of us" won't be able to participate. So should the 15% who Bushnell does not support suffer as long as it works for you?

He called out every single Board of Supervisor and said, "not one of you have stood before Sacramento or Gavin Newsom" asking for relief.

The caller after him, another cannabis grower said no deferral, waive rent. Currently a caller is complaining about being taxed for every phase of distribution and compared cannabis farms to small businesses.

Melanie Johnson who was at the protest outside the Courthouse called the "9 hour Zoom meeting" too civilized and clean for this conversation?! 

Got news for those local growers whining in an all day session about the cannabis tax. As many of the public comments on other sites stated in the last couple of weeks, you didn't pay taxes for years. You don't have public sympathy.

You voted for legalization. You were warned the government was doing this for revenue. Gavin flip flops, does not follow his own rules and only cares about the uber rich who donate and keep him in office.

There was an Associated Press article just two weeks ago about double dipping;  having illegal grow and a licensed permit.

Every other business has to survive in the free market and faces challenges. The Board of Supervisors have not gone to Sacramento or King Gavin for any issue facing the rest of us. You are possibly getting a deferral or taxes waived and you are still whining? Every business is affected by big tech, coporations and greed.

PG & E blackouts, COVID closures and restrictions, government and corporate greed is affecting everyone and has caused devastation in the last few years. Stop being selfish and self centered. It is tone deaf to complain while other people and businesses have lost a roof over their head and had their livelihoods decimated. 

Many of us didn't take vacations, buy fancy cars but planned for a rainy day. We sacrificed and struggled and still had the government wipe out whatever we saved due to incompetence and COVID 19 restrictions and closures.

It was mentioned during the Board meeting that programs such as First 5 could have their budgets reduced due to impact of lost revenue. You have an awful lot of nerve asking for tax forgiveness when no one else in Humboldt or California gets that option.

Other local businesses have always paid taxes and also contributed to charities, organizations and the community on a regular basis. They don't go around bragging about it or using it as an excuse not to pay taxes and expecting to be treated differently.

You chose to fund other local media who took your money for years and what have they done for you? Their "reporting" on your recent protests backfired. They, like you, are clueless of the problems the average person is facing in Humboldt.

Where are all those lawyers, consultants, insurance agents who took money from you? Are they speaking up for you? Standing by you? 

Some of the same speakers in your protest outside the Courthouse were fine schmoozing with Rex Bohn. Now, they want photo ops pretending they were not involved in creating the situation you are complaining about now? The other local "media" conveniently ignored that fact in their "reporting." 

The court system is clogged with murderers and crime related to pot greed. Tons of taxpayer money being spent defending these criminals. The environment has been damaged. Water used that is needed for other crops and necessities. Human trafficking and trimmigrants associated with the Humboldt pot industry. Others have already paid enough while you made a profit. 

If you chose not to make a business plan, chose not to invest in another business besides weed, did not hire an ethical lawyer or consultant and chose to believe a politician, whose fault is that? There are other businesses who would take a deferral on taxes. Stop expecting to be treated as "special."

It is time Humboldt stop relying on pot and start diversifying the local economy. Humboldt government officials cannot think beyond being reliant on taxes and grants. 

Nine plus hours later, the item was tabled to be brought back at a future date with CAO Elishia Hayes providing options based on remarks from Supervisors Bass, Wilson, Madrone and Bohn. Bohn's proposed solution was in the  minority.

When this item discussion was completed, Supervisor Bushnell explained why she recused herself. Talking with her attorney, County Counsel, FPPC  among other factors led to that decision. She did the ethical thing, for once, and more whining from the entitled and self-centered.

Time for all the regular, anonymous commenters to use their names instead of hiding and saying what needs to be said on this issue and all those other remarks.  Always Anonymous = cowards taking zero risk and no credibility.

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