Nov 11, 2021

Miles Slattery and Steve Watson warn city and EPD employees not to talk to me about the scandal ridden interim chief they want for Eureka




City of Eureka Manager Miles Slattery and current EPD Chief Steve Watson's choice for interim Eureka Police Chief is Todd Jarvis, former assistant chief at San Diego Police Department.

Departing coward and current chief for 28 more days, Steve Watson, and bufoon Eureka City Manager Miles Slattery, whose head is so far up LOCO's ass, that he has no time to see what the failure he is and what the clown at City Hall have done to the Eureka Police Department and this city.

Two ineffective men whose career is funded by the taxpayers. Both of them have been evasive, arrogant and have not provided the transparency they should about the EPD text investigation.

Despite constant shit to make it more difficult for me and the targeting by weak, pathetic losers in Humboldt, I manage to do a better job at reporting , scooping and getting exclusive news compared to other local media. 

Steve and Miles, I realize you prefer ass kissing Thad and LOCO to publish what you want but it is very clear who in this town reports scoop after scoop and breaking news with hard work and real investigative reporting.

You both thought your chosen media tools could get the glory about the interim chief appointment with your spin? You failed.

Can Thad and LOCO report anything worthwhile and first without being spoon fed by people like you Miles? Let's use the "EPD texts" as one example. As documented in previous posts, I reported a lot more and first. 

I have always had a national audience. Let the rest of the state and nation see the truth and ugliness and the suppression of independent reporting in Humboldt County and Eureka. I bet the Sacramento Bee won't report about your attempt to silence me, city employees and EPD employees. Tools never address issues that matter and support abuse of power.

If the rest of the local media had any ethics and they weren't tools, they would be outraged at both of you doing this to me. But their jealousy and pettiness and weakness will keep them silent; as usual. 

No other local media is holding anyone accountable despite what they or their groupies claim. My entire blog is a record of taking risks, calling out the corruption and wrongdoing. If they were doing their job; they would be targeted and you would be telling EPD and city employees not to talk to them. 

The hardworking men and women of EPD are too busy cleaning up the streets and keeping people safe to do anything else. Cleaning up the mess created under your "leadership" Miles and Steve.

I dont see anyone at Eureka City Hall anymore because you have denied me and public access we should have using COVID as an excuse while you run this city further into the ground.

I am too busy to be chatting with the few city employees who do their job. If anyone was talking to me, why is it your business? Why is it different than you and Steve talking to Thad or Hank or any other local media?  Are you telling your employees who they can talk to? 

If they did want to talk to me or were talking to me, who are you both to threaten them not to talk to me? Warn/ tell, pick whatever word you want; but what you did is threaten them and tell them they could not talk to me specifically about news. You interfered with my job; my livelihood.

The only ones who should be fired is both of you. The Humboldt connected, as usual, will sit on their asses and do nothing except whine and complain. They are just as responsible for the decline of Eureka as the two of you.

Dont assume who my sources are goobers. Don't assume it for any news I write. 

Steve,you can't even stand up for your men and women and like a weakling resign instead of being fired get to keep your salary, pension and go get another job. 

Miles, the power of running the City of Eureka is going to your head. The clueless 5 are incompetent and can't even manage you. Bufoon, you wouldn't even have this job if the clueless 5 could recruit and retain anyone competent to move to Eureka and accept a job. You and the 5 fools have turned Eureka into a cesspool of feces, needles, homeless,abandoned storefronts and filth.

Readers can google Jarvis if they want. I have provided two links.

Harassment suit?

Racist cartoon?

This is who should be in charge of EPD?

An EPD officer inappropriately behaving in front of EPD dispatchers, an EPD Captain on leave who couldnt keep his pants zipped and the many exclusives I reported just since the EPD text scandal would be enough to shame a normal, moral human being. Jarvis is Miles and Steve's solution to the "EPD text scandal"?

We already had one opportunist and ladies man from San Diego use Eureka to further his career. We don't need another. We have had enough opportunists use Eureka police chief as a stepping stone.

I personally saw Andy Mills, the creep, leer at women, he was blatant because he knows the Humboldt connected and his media tool buddies would protect him. He is a digusting POS. Why do you think he went to Thad and Hank when he used to be all paly paly with me in the beginning? Rewarded them well with being panelists and interviews, didn't he?

There is so much more about EPD, including the bs good Christian married men that you dont dare investigate Miles and Steve because you both are weak, pathetic, opportunists who don't give a damn as long as you benefit and get paid.

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