Nov 28, 2021

"We've been attacked in the dairy industry for a while now. Instead of educating people through the farmer, we're educating them through people that have never farmed and we're killing off our family farmers."

Stephanie Nash comes from a fourth-generation dairy family.  A business that started with just 30 cows.

"We've been attacked in the dairy industry for a while now," said Nash. "Instead of educating people through the farmer, we're educating them through people that have never farmed and we're killing off our family farmers."

Take what Nash says about dairy and apply it to ranching. Some special interests and agenda. The article linked below highlights how politics and agendas and greed is killing self made entrepreneurs and family businesses.

"Rising costs, labor and supply shortages and little support – in addition to climate change and conservation regulations – are all major obstacles threatening the Nash family, which has been in the dairy farming business for 92 years."

Stephanie Nash, and her father, Steven Nash, moved their  dairy farm from California's San Joaquin Valley to Tennessee in 2014 to escape the California  strict farming regulations and high cost of doing business.

"Water rights, milk prices, feed prices, regulations on climate change … we had to fight with Los Angeles and San Francisco on every issue," said Nash.

"The last farm bill, the dairy policy was put together without a lot of input from farmers," Steven Nash said of the 2018 Agricultural Improvement Act. 

"They changed our pricing mechanism, and what that’s done is taken nearly a billion dollars out of the dairy industry, out of the farming sector, out of my segment, and moved it to processors and other people in the industry before it gets to the grocery store," said Stephen Nash. 

We are a capital-intensive business," said Stephen Nash. "We live and die on feed costs." He said those account for 55% of the farm’s expenses. "We’re not like other businesses where we can just cut back," he said. "Cows got to be fed every day, right?"

You will never see these issues covered in most local or California media because the media is controlled by the very people Nash warns about in this article.

The liberals want money and want to kill any industry that is against their agenda and their values. Most local, state and national conservatives give their money to grifters and conservative corporate media for emotional reasons. The conservatives are just as much to blame for the economy and destroying small businesses and self made entrepreneurs.

Conservatives, independents and liberterians stay silent because in California they want to placate the liberals they make money from. No vision; no guts and expect a few conservatives to speak up,  fund and fight for them.

This blog covers all news. Liberal, independent or conservative is not the criteria. It is the only source not catering to a specific mindset. It certainly is the one place that offers the conservative and moderate perspective because that is lacking in most biased media.

KINS has done nothing to impact or help the conservative cause. Yet it is funded by most local conservatives because blowhard Brian Papstein who inherited the business from daddy likes to stroke egos . Why is Mike Jones on as a guest commenter? He has not been on the council for over a decade, said in 2014 on this blog that he quit local politics. The whole Uncle Sam fireworks is it for comunity or attention? He isnt the only one who uses that strategy locally. What is his qualification besides being an agent for an insurance agency owned by Rex Bohn and Rob McBeth's buddy?

Several people in Humboldt go to an "office", "work" but due to their Humboldt connections sit around listening to talk radio, some partisan video on Facebook or yakking about how miserable their home/work life is and their first world, Humboldt privilege struggles. When you destroy whatever competition by  corrupt, insider backwoods mentality and small town politics and dynamics; you don't really have to work to earn that paycheck. Yes, you sitting and reading this knowing exactly what I am talking about. Your job handed to you because of who your daddy, mommy, husband, wife or buddy is; not because you have any skill or talent.

Commenter positions, ego stroking is not what media is; it is PR and that is what most local media does. 

This blog is willing to cover the many local dairymen, ranchers, growers, lawyers and self made, successful business owners who deserve to be recognized. 

People who actually earn their living through hard work and not by sucking up to the Humboldt connected who are mediocrity and like to be surrounded by worse on every level around them so they can maintain their Humboldt status that no one with a life and who lives outside Humboldt could give two shits about.

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