Nov 20, 2021

Best comments today on Rex's Facebook page are from Meredith Maier and Eric Jackson


Best comments today on Rex's Facebook page are from Six Rivers Brewery co-owner Meredith Maier and frequent commenter on Rex's Facebook page  Eric Jackson. 

Maeir's comment is non partisan, respectful and a honest one in a small, rural County. Maier is the kind of business owner who should be on local Boards and Commissions. 

Yes Eric, public shaming works. Unfortunately, in Humboldt, that seems to be the only way to get attention of local people in "power" and with "influence" who are used to getting their way and ignoring the impact they have on others they think are indispensable. When you affect people's pocketbook; it gets their attention.

There is no excuse for what happened yesterday. The BOS get paid big bucks and are in charge. The buck stops, literally, with them. Add this to another notch of national embarassment for Humboldt.

Public shaming whether on this blog or online is even better when done in person. Anything I say on this blog, I will say to your face. 

If as many local people commented at local government meetings and voted as they posted on Facebook, we would see a lot of positive change in Humboldt.

Eric's comment sums up the comments on Facebook and online. People were vocal; many choosing sides but overall there were several people calling for petty bickering to be put aside, for all involved to do their jobs and get employees paid. Those who used their names kudos. Those who were anonymous need to get a spine. 

Looks from the tone of Rex's Facebook post today, he is aware of the comments. So will the Monday meeting on considering the no vote of confidence for Humboldt County Auditor Controller Karen Paz Dominguez reflect a change in attitude? When is there a meeting for a no confidence vote on the current BOS and all their cronies at the County?

The Monday meeting besides theater will not remove Karen Paz Dominguez who was elected to office. If the County BOS want to hold a special meeting, let's talk about former auditor Joe Mellet's resignation before his term ended; alleged discrepancies and burnout.

Has the momentum to hold government and the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors accountable faded already or will it continue and for other issues? Who was on the BOS? When former CAO Amy Nilsen resigned, I said, what's the real story?

Rex responded to me yesterday. The responses weren't helpful or informative and I did not mince my words in my response to him. I spoke to him in person which was the most awkard conversation I have had with him. It is no secret I have been pretty vocal about him ,the BOS and County for a while.

Fourth District Supervisor Virginia Bass got back to me just now. "Sorry I did not get back to you sooner. It was a crazy day and was back there again this morning. I think it's going to take a bit of time to get to the bottom of this and I don't want to make any assumptions. The most important thing on my mind yesterday was to get the paychecks out as fast as we can and accurately. This put a lot of undo stress on the employees and I am very sad that it happened this way. We will certainly be looking at the situation to ascertain what might have happened."

Humboldt County PIO Sean Quincey sent me one update, after that, it was the usual play favorites with his chosen media and not send me anything, despite requests from me. This kind of unprofessionalism from Quincey or Fortuna Police Department is what happens when immature and arrogant people hire other immature, arrogant people instead of professionals who just do their job.

One astute commenter on another local media picked up on the change in coverage from the usual left leaning media who used to fawn all over Karen Paz Dominguez. I have written more than once about certain observations but the usual left groupies want to ignore the obvious. 

Does the other media even know what to ask? I have two very specific allegations about funds to ask Karen Paz Dominguez. I wont do it on Zoom where "technical issues" can arise. I want to ask it in person where public has access to hear/watch and there is no way for BOS or Karen Paz Dominguez to spin, think, do damage control. I want to record it and have either Nazy Javid of North Coast News and/or Humboldt Access present to record it too so there is video and audio of what was said. 

I have already raised questions in the past. Enough of these anonymous allegations and innuendos in comments. Whether it is about Rex or Karen Paz Dominguez or anyone else involved, if you have evidence, put it out there with your name. If you don't; stop wasting my time, the public's time. There are no consequences or risks when you are anonymous. Anonymous hit pieces to destroy people's livelihoods and reputation and gossip in anonymous comment sections is Humboldt cowards dirty tactics to suppress truth.

Where are Karen Paz Dominguez's usual defenders Eric Kirk and Fifth District Supervisor Steve Madrone? Also silent are some people who privately were all for Karen Paz Dominguez but as usual playing two sides in public.

**For readers who are not local  Rex = Humboldt County First District Supervisor Rex Bohn**

This town has no loyalty and gratitude. If you have more than two people who are loyal, appreciate you and have your back; consider yourself very fortunate. Keep your life and real friends private and show them your gratitude in person.

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