Mar 23, 2021

TS and LOCO, besides ripping off my work do you work on anything on your own?

This happens often and on a regular basis but I am going to point out a few recent and blatant examples.

I did a story on Steven Rebel May early this morning. Lost Coast Outpost followed up later. Not the first time. Same thing with the post I did on APD assisting Del Norte with Jesse Shenk and sure enough, LOCO and others followed up.

I do the hard work of checking the jail log everyday, research, reaching out to law enforcent, getting details. You then follow up on my hard work, send out an email or make a call and pass it off as your original work.  

Times Standard, I posted about the two officers names being visible in the screenshots in the Sacramento Bee article on March 20. Two days, later you include the same observation and don't even bother to change the wording enough to hide your blatant ripoff of my post. 

I regularly have a lot of exclusive information and it is from my hard work, research, relationships I have built and earned. 

I reach out to EPD Chief Steve Watson about the police texts and an hour later TS you have a smilar story. I reported originally on the COVID positive person in the Tsarnas jury trial and TS followed up. I reported this weekend on the extension of extra help. TS wrote about it today. Does your editorial team even bother to think of any tips on your own?

Other local media do it from time to time but you do it regularly. None of ever give credit to that I reported it first. That is what professionals and what credible journalists do. 

Some of you don't state your support of me in public or acknowledge my contribution because your management is scared off pissing off the cabal in this town and they don't want to risk advertising revenue. If you had competent sales people; you wouldn't have that concern. Others because you are petty, your bosses are vindictive and you all play musical chairs working at TS, LOCO, North Coast Journal, KMUD because you can't get a job outside Humboldt. Your friends, your supporters inflitrate Facebook pages dissing other local media sources.

Your daily output of news, including original news is pathetic. Both of you  have tried to imitate my success with court news and failed. Your coverage is superficial. Sending off an email to an attorney or District Attorney after I cover something is not original work.  I can cover multiple courtrooms simultaneously and post live and cover other news.

People have recommended for years that I work at some of the local media. They have asked local media to hire me. I don't want to because I like reporting news and I prefer independence. Even if I wanted to; the cabal would have a fit. They are used to dictating what should be covered.

Humboldt is a town where you play the game, you do pretend news which is PR, fluff stories to soothe the egos of certain inept businesses, politicians and corrupt government that are threatened by me, other local businesses and anyone else who works hard, is competent and talented. People and businesses  have to struggle against the local cabal who will not allow anyone who is not in their approved clique to succeed.

Often, I have news up before the major networks. This blog is my passion. I did not think I would report news again. I saw a need in this local community. 

If you are only reading TS, LOCO, NCJ you are in no position to be informed or have a clue about what is breaking news. I see questions and comments on LOCO or other oulets that people would not ask if they read this blog.

You don't copy me when it matters. You have ignored the Judge Gregory Elvine-Kreis scandal, you have ignored the civil court case with the well known names. You will not because you are afraid to report anything that risks that comfortable paycheck and those in power. They abuse others because of those who enable them.

The TV stations do their best but even they have to do fluff to pacify those in Humboldt who just need attention instead of supporting and raising the standard of journalism in Humboldt.  

The cabal's stupidity has benefitted the County.  They hired two excellent PIOS, Samantha Karges and Manny Machado who formerly worked at KIEM (now Redwood News).

We have two other excellent PIOs, EPD's Brittany Powell and HBF's Amy Conlin. Some of you waste their time with every little scanner call or some random video (some local sitting at home with no life) sent you. Not only are you lazy but you should be paying those PIOS and me for taking our work, using it and collecting a paycheck. 

John Richmond, you failed at LOCO. Then you thought you "would save the local paper". The quote was said to me by someone you tried to steal from another media outlet.

TS' content and size of printed paper is a joke and you have the nerve to have a paywall and subscription? Your readers/viewers can get that information for free from other media. Whoever is in ownership of LOCO (which LOCO refuses to divulge) you make money off linking mostly other people's content and other media on your site. The amount of anything that could be remotely termed original output is miniscule.

People will say I saw it on LOCO or TS because they say what is easiest. What they think is the popular answer depending on the crowd. I have pointed out in previous coverage that some juror said they saw it on LOCO or KIEM when no one in other media covered that case. 

Advertising or the deception of what is being read or viewed in Humboldt is about the spin. People don't like truth, they don't like boundaries and want media people to be their therapists, friends, give them attention and get pissy if you set boundaries.

let's face it, the Humboldt cabal makes sure those who play the game get rewarded. 

I do this blog for me, for the community, for my advertisers, for my supporters. I know my worth. If you don't, that is your problem and your loss.

The people who know me, take the time to get to know me, are loyal to me, have seen the benefits and effectiveness of what I do with my blog and with anything I do and you have my gratitude and support.

Independent reporters all over the country do not get the credit and recognition because of ripoffs of their work by media with access to more money and resources. People complain about media having an agenda yet they don't fund those bringing them the facts and information that benefits them.

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