Oct 7, 2021

Convicted molestor and rapist sentenced 160 years to life 

Convicted molestor and rapist Michael Flower's sentencing was continued from September 30 to today. Another perv client represented by Russ Clanton. Another case only covered by me.

Flowers  faced another prison sentence; this time for life and he had already pulled the typical ploy to delay sentencing. Today, he was finally sentenced.

Flowers is a great example of why parole doesn't work criminals who are pervs and murderers shouldn't be released either. 

DA Press Release:

Earlier today, Judge Christopher G. Wilson sentenced convicted sex offender Michael Dennis Flowers to serve 160 years to life in prison for his February 2020 rape of Jane Doe, a local woman in her early twenties.  The sentencing follows a trial earlier this year in which a Humboldt County jury convicted Flowers of all charges brought against him by the District Attorney, including rape, sexual penetration with a foreign object and acquiring a person for purposes of prostitution.    

Prior to his rape of Doe in Humboldt County, Flowers received multiple felony convictions in Tuolumne County, including a 1977 assault with intent to commit rape and 1994 convictions for attempted murder and three separate charges of continuous sexual abuse of a child.   Flowers was released on parole to Humboldt County after serving time in prison for his Tuolumne County crimes.   During the Humboldt County trial the jury heard testimony from Doe and each of the women who, as children in Tuolumne County, survived sexual abuse by Flowers. 

At the conclusion of this morning’s sentencing, Judge Wilson commented that the women should never have to testify about the abuse again.  Assistant District Attorney Stacey Eads, who prosecuted Flowers, stated: “I have tremendous respect and appreciation for the women who testified and I wish them continued strength and healing as they move forward.”

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