Oct 9, 2021

This junkie picked up needles, has a cell phone and doesn't need the money you enablers give him


This area near 3rd and V has become the hot spot for junkies, abandoned cars and drive by drug deals. This guy set up camp, picked up needles from the sidewalk, pulled out his crap ans set it up, is trying to sell flowers that he probably stole and is now walking into traffic, soliciting cars and anyone walking by for money.

Now he is texting on his cell phone. I am so sure that is for a totally legit reason 🙄 If you give money to these professional beggars and junkies, you are part of the problem. 

Someone just gave him enough money for his fix so he packed up some stuff. Then he messed around with the power poles. Now he is lounging in his camp chair, smoking and texting. 

It is a public sidewalk. Public meaning I and others have a right to use it without some disrespectful junkie asshole, healthy enough to get a job who choses to idle on a sidewalk and impedes others' right to walk, go to work and enjoy a peaceful day. You cannot walk in certain parts of Eureka without being accosted, yelled at or seeing the regular bums sprawled all over. You cannot walk in Eureka or Humboldt without the nasty stench of cheap weed and cigarette smoke stinking up the air and on your clothes. So much for concern about the environment and polluting the clean air in Humboldt. 

EPD gets called when people have had enough. That shouldn't be necessary. EPD gets to the dirty job because we have cowards in government who won't do their jobs but collect a paycheck.

This is a failure of leadership and poor choices by Humboldt for decades. Drugs and government subsidies picked over hard work and private industry.

The useless Eureka City Council and Eureka department heads as well as the equally inept Humboldt County Board of Supervisors are too busy wasting time on anything except concrete actions that would help law abiding citizens and small businesses. 

The County Supervisors getting getting a hefty paycheck for making themselves and their cronies rich. The Board of Supervisors never take a pay cut or give any detailed answers about their expenses. Give that money to police, fire and the victims of their inept decisions.

Humboldt officials have no power. They are puppets who do what the state dictates and what works for them and their funders. All these same people are responsible for driving this county further into the hole because they are greedy and incompetent. If they were capable of success on their own, Humboldt would have competition and more people would thrive and prosper.

Big fucking deal being an elected official in a drug infested county with slumlords adding to crime and homelessness. The spawn of politicians and the "good families" who are drug addicts or mooch off their generational wealth think they have something to brag about in a tiny county mostly known for weed and people disappearing.

That reputation is because most locals flock to puerile facebook pages and sites run by locals who focus on rubbish to detract from real news. The same locals who don't promote decent, hard working local businesses and achievments earned by talent because the Humboldt cabal is not interested in quality or success for anyone else.

The same people who judge others and destroy competition because they know their self proclaimed big cheese status would be in the toilet if people had options. 

Humboldt's petty clique and conflicts of interest permeates government, media, politics, businesses and impacts people's ability to make money and have a roof over their head. The same people then whine about taxes, homeless and crime. I have never seen as much fear as I have in Humboldt. People afraid to say what they really think. The moment people leave Humboldt, suddenly they pipe up and say the exact things that I and a few others say; the difference is we use our name. We get punished for your cowardice and apathy.

Anonymous comments are meaningless. Anonymous comments have no credibility and no risk. Anonymous comments are ineffective. 

No one in the rest of the state gives a shit about what happens here. Humboldt does not make or break elections or impact power. It is only good for the money and water the state can siphon and resources others can profit from. And a dumping ground for all the criminals they don't want in the rest of the state.

That is why the same corrupt and inept politicians, lawyers, slumlords, businesses, court system and their psycophants retain their grip and continue to hurt the decent people and businesses in Humboldt. They have no morals; no soul. 

That is slowly starting to change. And it certainly isn't because of the rest of the lameass local media or those with money and power who should be the ones advocating change.

HACHR and needle exchange programs have beeen emboldened by California Governor Gavin Newsom and the California legislature. What else is new in California? If it supports drugs, criminals and anyone who profits from illegal activity, Newsom and California's legislature will fund and support it. The Ninth Circuit is the biggest enabler of why California is a disaster. 

Idiots who protest about non existent vaccine mandates because of some incorrect email chain;  others who protest about laws and issues that have nothing to do with Humboldt never show up in large numbers to do anything about local issues that really matter. That would require guts. That would require doing something that doesn't stroke their need for attention. They just type on Facebook or give money to some Gofund me for the same personal lame agendas. That certainly will bring change Humboldt needs 🙄

The County and the City of Eureka should be sued by the businesses and people who have actually suffered for decades. Not all lawsuits filed are for the good of the community.

10/11: Bum is back again.

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