Oct 19, 2021

There are a lot of hard working, decent people in this community.  Every single one of you makes a positive difference. Thank you for being you.


Thank you to all of you who read, follow, comment, contact me privately and publicly. Thank you for the news tips, the emails, the texts, the notes, the in person appreciation and gratitude.

The word is getting out more and more every day. I am okay if you don't click like or follow or prefer to comment privately because the proof is in the effectiveness of this blog. The evidence is in the many people who personally tell me and through others that they read me every day; often and follow my blog. Let them wonder who you are. Let them wonder how many of you are there. 

What I hear most in your words is "thank you for your blog" "thank you for what you do for this community" and "I like you because you speak your mind." I especially want to thank those who have reached out in the last two weeks for your kindness, support and encouragement.

Be patient with some of those news tips. You know I will do justice. I responded privately to those of you who have been patient. I appreciate your understanding the reasons why. 

Integrity, authencity and being genuine is what people value and remember. There are a lot of hard working, decent people in this community.  Every single one of you makes a positive difference.  Thank you for being you.

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