Apr 9, 2020

He may not have a place to live but he wanted to know if my living situation had improved

At first, I saw two men walking towards me, and thought one of the guys frequented the alley I have written about near 5th and N Street.

As they got closer towards me, I knew the guy was not someone from the alley. I heard that guy make a comment that may have been funny to him but was homophobic. I had just been out for a walk. I wasn't going to let this guy ruin my mood. I ignored him.

As he passed me, he said, " Bro, did you get your living situation worked out? Seeing the puzzled look on my face, he said he heard me on the phone as I was walking home. Yesterday was the one time I answered my phone near my house and told someone I would call them later and why. It was a brief call.

I don't know if he is homeless but based on a few things he said, most likely.  It was a brief chat and then he said, " I gotta roll."

Just like this guy, there have been other unexpected conversations this week. People struggling financially with job loss and hours cut due to the shelter in place order.  People who were living paycheck to paycheck before the pandemic. People who don't qualify for unemployment or small business loans. Yet, they are the ones reaching out to share and help random strangers with kind words or more.


  1. You might want to figure out why the pawn shop nearby is open. Special treatment when so many people are unemployed?

    1. Monk, I have done more than my share to inform the public, call attention to many local issues, including alerting appropriate authorities about violations of the shelter in place order. It is time other citizens like you step up and follow up on issues that concern you. It is not up to me to solve all the problems of Humboldt and be the only one taking personal and financial risks. Contact other media, Code Enforcement, call the COVID tip line. The very people that want to stay anonymous, not support those of us speaking up, not do anything expect an awful lot.


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