Apr 30, 2020

"I stabbed some guy in Arcata. The first stab was in the heart. Then I stabbed him three times. Just some old guy."

Convicted murderer Richard Dean was sentenced today to a prison term of 15 years to life. On March 16, Dean pleaded guilty to second degree murder of Anthony Pennucci.

The negotiated agreement was  for 15 years to life in prison for second degree murder. He didn't have to plead to any special allegations. Dean is ineligible for probation. He will be on parole for life.

Referring to Dean being at the State Hospitalfor a while after a PC 1368 evaluation, Deputy Public Defender BenMcLaughlin said,  "Mr. Dean has struggled with mental health unsuccessfully. There was a tragedy."

Deputy District Attorney Stacey Eads said, "Mr. Pennucci is a gentleman lived alone. A peaceful man. He had no prior relationship with Mr. Dean. This was a totally unprovoked act."

When he came to get his brother's belongings, Deputy District Attorney Stacey Eads had gone to the crime scene. " I saw the blood drenched carpet." The family had to clean the carpet.

Ms. Eads said the family is having a difficult time struggling with their loss and were unable to provide victim impact statements.

Two months after he stabbed Anthony Pennucci, Dean made a statement in jail, "I stabbed some guy in Arcata. The first stab was in the heart. Then I stabbed him three times. Just some old guy."

Ms. Eads said that Dean's mental health issues, the PC 1368 and 1026 proceedings and the fact that he is schizophrenic were taken into consideration while reaching an agreement. Two out of three doctors who evaluated Dean said that "Mr. Dean was capable and knew the nature of his act."

Dean said "if he is released from incarceration, he will not take his meds. I hope parole will take into consideration the brutality of the crime."

"These cases are always difficult," said Judge Wilson. "On one side, the victim's family is upset that parole is a possibility. On the other hand, we have Mr. Dean's family who know him from a different perspective."

Judge Wilson said "the record reflects restraining orders" that indicate Dean's behavior before Pennucci's murder.

"I don't have doubt that Mr. Dean committed the crime," said Judge Wilson. "I feel a jury would feel the same way."

The fact that he was 18 when he committed the crime and his mental illness was taken into consideration by Judge Wilson.

There were two letters, from Dean's grandmother abd grandfather, that were given to the Court to read today. Other family members spoke on behalf of Dean at the last hearing.

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