Jul 12, 2022

In addition to his cancer, doctor's discover heart condition for Ray Christie


I did a post earlier today that the defense filed in Ray Christie's case a motion to continue the jury trial, a declaration from Larson Law Firm's Mr. Rick Richmond and a proposed juror long form.

Introduction from motion  to continue:

"The People’s pursuit of Mr. Christie since early 2018 has negatively impacted his health. Mr. Christie has developed cancer and a heart condition since the People’s case against him began. (See Declaration of Rick Richmond ISO Motion to Continue Trial (“Richmond Decl.”).) "

"Mr. Christie’s ongoing, worsening health conditions result in Mr. Christie being unavailable for the currently scheduled August 1, 2022 trial due to his need to receive necessary medical treatment."

"Accordingly, Mr. Christie respectfully requests a continuance of his August 1, 2022 trial date to a date that allows Mr. Christie time to receive necessary medical treatment and, hopefully, improve his health so that he can meaningfully participate in a lengthy trial. We understand the People will submit on this continuance request and do not oppose the accompanying application for an order shortening time to allow the Court to hear the continuance motion during the week of July 11, 2022."

Declaration of Mr. Rick Richmond:

Motion to continue:

The jury trial is currently scheduled for August 1. On July 14, when the motion to continue is scheduled, if only dates are reset, I will add them to this post.

Earlier post:


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