How do the Republicans and coal supporters that made calls for her, wrote checks and hob nob with her feel about Virginia Bass supporting the Great Redwood Trail?
You kept supporting her despite being warned early on after she was first elected. You still chose where to invest your money. Happy with the return? She isn't the only candidate your funding didn't pan out the way you wanted. But you keep listening and following the same strategy that caused you to lose seats on the Humboldt Board of Supervisors and Eureka City Council after 2010?
That investment in ass kissing KINS by the "right" and surprisingly the funding by the "right" of the local media that clearly supports all the candidates supported by the left has worked out so well for all of you. 🙄
Storme Winter "unofficially" running every campaign, every other losing "campaign team and funder and the useless Humboldt local GOP is what guaranteed the loss of every candidate you support. The same people will only further gurantee Natalie Arroyo being elected as 4th District Supervisor.
But you keep pumping money into the same failed strategy, the same people, the same dated Brady bunch logos and the same media. It neutralizes any good advice and efforts.
Why shouldn't Arroyo be elected? At least watches out for her supporters who put her in office. The demographics in Humboldt have changed a lot since 2010 but mostly voters do not like being used.
Many people in Humboldt are like Kent Sawatzky. They talk out of two sides of his mouth, one thing in public while privately on the phone calling the same Supervisors they rant about at board meetings. Kent talked big about not supporting Virginia but that hasn't stopped him from calling her constantly.
When you don't value loyalty, when you use people, when you make bad choices about who you listen to; you lose votes. You lose elections. Even Rex Bohn and Michelle Bushnell will vote the way it works for their benefit. If that means catering to the left, they will. Estelle Fennell did it; Ryan Sundberg did it when it suited them. Politicians only care about getting re-elected.
Richard Marks knows how to play the game of whichever side works. So do many others in Humboldt. Hey, if it works and people throw money at you? Why not?
To the left, what can your preferred media do for you? They have no clue what really goes on in this community and what the people think. But you keep being your snotty, unprofessional selves and shut me out with press releases and announcements. Shows your immaturity and pettiness and the same stupidity as the local right.
Damn me and my ethics and integrity! I like to be surrounded by decent people, regardless of political parties, who care about this community and appreciate people. Local individuals and businesses who give back to Humboldt every day with their quality and generosity.
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