Apr 2, 2020

"Knock it off. My friend just got off the bus from Louisiana"

In the early hours this morning, I woke up hearing a racket outside my door, I opened it to find my neighbor across the hall standing right next to some unknown man. This guy has an issue with rules in general, has riff raff over all night long and is not following the shelter in place order at all.

I reminded him that there was a shelter in place order and he has people coming and going all day and night long.

"Knock it off. My friend just got off the bus from Louisiana," he yelled at me. I told him he was endangering other residents and the community with his behavior and I was going to report it.

Two hours later, he stood outside my door and said, "I am going to get a restraining order against you!"

Most of his "friends" are people I recognize from the courts or those who hang out in the alley. They always need to go to the ER at 2 a.m. or need a ride at 4 a.m. The Louisiana line caught me off guard. He has told me he has a social worker from the County and thinks that is supposed to intimidate me for some reason.

Not following the rules at any other time is living with inconsiderate jerks. Not following the shelter in place order is endangering others during this coronavirus pandemic.

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